Oak And Sakura - Chapter 1 - Part 1

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..."What should we do with him?" the voice of a rather old man spoke. My head felt like it could explode at any moment, and I could feel metal chains wrapped around my hands, which restrained my movements by a large amount. Considering the fact that I felt many people watching me, I decided to not move or to speak a single word.

"An answer to that question I do not have, Aito, however, an answer is what we need, so an that is what we shall get," I heard another voice say, and mere seconds after that, I felt a large hand take hold of my head. I open my eyes to see a well-built man, who was now lifting my entire body with just a single hand. His deep brown eyes glared right at me, frightening me.

I shifted my gaze from the dangerous-looking man to the sword I could see, resting in the scabbard by his side. "Good instincts you have there, kid," the brown-eyed man spoke, but I was unsure if it was to me, or to someone else. He suddenly let go of my head, and I fell to the ground - rather insipidly, might I add.

Seconds after my ungraceful fall, I was threatened by the blades of armed soldiers, and I could see a large crowd of people gathered around me, as I sat up, simply staring at the blades pointed at me.

Seconds after my ungraceful fall, I was threatened by the blades of armed soldiers, and I could see a large crowd of people gathered around me, as I sat up, simply staring at the blades pointed at me

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All the men were armed, while the women and children stood back, with no weapons, nor anything to defend them, excluding the soldiers. The way they gathered around me made me feel like I was some wild beast. Right as the idea of me being a wild beast came to my mind, I could suddenly hear nothing. Even the chirping of birds had stopped, and I then couldn't see anything. My vision slowly became black, and I could feel myself collapsing onto the ground, once again, against my will.


It was black. Pitch black, in fact. I could see nothing, nor could I feel a single thing. My body was trembling as if I was stuck in a blizzard, with nothing but a simple pair of shorts, and a T-shirt.

A few minutes passed by, and I heard a growl close by. I could now sense the presence of a large creature closing in on me, and soon after that, I felt my limbs being torn off my body. I screamed in pain, yet no sound escaped my mouth. All I could do now was cry, as I felt my body being torn to shreds.

I felt numbing swords being pierced into my skin, and then being pushed deeper inside my body.

The sharp blades impaled my organs and were soon followed by a ponderous weight. My bones were being crushed, slowly, under the weight, as I could no longer move any part of my body if I were to try.

Everything seemed so distant, as the pain continued. It hurts, but there isn't a single person, or creature, that can help me.


"...Wake up, already," I heard the voice of a child say. They sounded somewhat irritated, but I couldn't respond to their words, for my throat felt like it was on fire. Instead, I opened my eyes and attempted to sit up, but I could immediately feel someone push me back down, forcing me to lay down.

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