Chapter 1

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Phoenix's p.o.v

After having a terrible day at school I walk home with my head down. Listening to "Better Off Dead" by Sleeping With Sirens. I decide to take a detour to the park instead. I walk into the park but notice the kids that bully me are there. I turn around before they can see me, but little did I know that it was already too late. The kids run behind me and push me.

"Hey fag don't you think your pants are a little too tight and nail polish. Really? did you get it from your sister?" Kedin says.

I fall to my knees instantly. I don't cry I try to get back up but I feel a sharp pain in my lower pelvic area. I scream out instantly and all I can hear is their laughter. Adrenalin kicks in and I try to stand. I can hear my heart racing in my ears. Each and every beat I hear louder and louder. I feel my chest rising and falling. I am on my feet and I see everything moving around me. That's when I notice I am running. I hear the bullies calling after me and trying to catch up but I run as fast as I can.I all run home not stopping until I am in the house. I walk straight into my room without looking to see if anyone is home. I don't care at this point all I can think about is what has happened today.

Anxiety and depression kicks in full force. My mind is clouded and I can no long think about one thing. I start going into an attack. Flashbacks hit me. One sticks out the most. I try to push it to the back of my mind but all I can do is remember losing my sister. That was also the day dad left.

Alison was sitting at the table with her long beautiful hair flowing like a river. She was reading Harry Potter. She looks up for a brief second and we make eye contact. I look away because I remember the argument we had the day before. We walk outside and get into the car. I look at her and tell her that I am sorry. We are on the way to school when all of the sudden a kid walks into the road and Alison slams on the brakes and we suddenly flip. The car lands upside down. I groan in pain and push on Alison's shoulder. She doesn't move. I see lots of blood. I climb out and call the police. When they arrive they notify she is dead upon arrival. Every since that day I have been struggling with depression.

"I'm tired;being bullied isn't worth this pain anymore."I say as I'm pacing my room with tears streaming down my face.

I fall to my knees screaming. All I can think about is how life isn't worth it. I finally decide that it's not worth it and I pull out my note. I lay it on the bed and walk to the bathroom. I grab the pills from the sink and climb into the bathtub running the water. I take the whole bottle of pills and soon my eyes become heavy. I notice I'm slipping in and out of consciousness. The last thing I see is my mom rushing into the room. Then I'm out.

     I see my whole life from when I was little up until now.  It's all like a flash of dim light with feelings of warmness, cold, hurt, and pain. Everything I have ever felt hits me at one time. Alison wouldn't have wanted this. I made the biggest mistake ever and now I will regret it.

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