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This morning I woke up with a bittersweet feeling .  I took my time getting out of bed. I got dressed, and met my sisters in the kitchen.

"Good Morning Beautiful "! Moët said with a smile
" We're going to get through this today ladies" she said as we all hugged one another tightly.

It feels so weird walking through this house and not seeing my daddy. Lord give me and my family the strength !

Once we got to the funeral home we went to see daddy one last time together. My heart sank into my stomach when they open the doors .

"Thank you so much" said Moët

I immediately froze . " what the fuck"?!  I said frantically.

"Sis you have to keep it together" Jessica whispered

" what do you mean, where's my dad"?!
Everyone stood in silence with this puzzled look on their face.

" hey heyy, you need to calm down. This is exactly why we didn't tell you"! Jessica yelled

"Didn't tell me, what the fu-!? That's my daddy"!!

"Wooooww really Mo"? Mariah said shaking her head

"Young lady you have one more time to disrespect any one of us! Now, I know we're wrong for keeping this from you but  this was best. Everyone can't handle physically seeing that".

"You for example! And don't you go there with that my daddy bullshit. He's my farther too and was present very much so in my life"!

"Girl bye, my daddy never loved your mom. She was just one of his hoes that got lucky enough to trap him! Probably why she killed herself."

"Stop this shit now"!
"You know what! It's canceled! Cancel every fucking thing"! Moet yelled angrily

"Momma." Mariah said grabbing her

"No let me go ! I need some air" she said before leaving the room

"Yeah, I'm out too". Jessica stated giving a stank face

"What the fuck is wrong with you Mo"?!

"Riah, So you couldn't tell me they cremated daddy"?

" No because look how you act . You get really defensive an disrespectful when it comes to him. And Jess, you know you was dead ass wrong for that."

" ughh I know" ! I begin sobbing
"It's ...just ..a lot." I said in between tears

" I know but that's not fucking cool! Especially since we know what she's been through! That shit didn't even have to escalate like that." She said angrily fixing my hair and clothes.
"Listeeeenn, these tears have to go. Cuz daddy ain't raise no hoes". We stared at each other before bursting into laughter.
"Seriously, pull yourself together so we can feel his presence" she stated helping me breathe
"Ok now let's go see daddy" we both smiled

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