Turn My Back

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The traphouse is in chaos. Colby has had every member across the state preparing in every way for a full gang war. Innocents have been being transferred to safe houses for the last three days. I don't know what to do with myself...this is all my fault....I'm going to get these people killed....what the hell do I do...I don't have a choice..I have to break Colby's promise. I know it will hurt him for a while, but what else am I supposed to do, I can't let all these amazing people get hurt. I know what will happen to me...what scares me is what will happen to them. 

?: Blaire..?

B: Hey Kat...

K: Colby just wanted me to check on you...but I want to make sure your okay..

B: I'm fine.

K: Blaire I promise Andrew will not get you and we can..

B: No you can't. Kat I need to do something.

K: Blaire...please don't even think about it, it's not worth it.

I finally look up at her as she said that. She looks like she wishes she could melt through the door that was supporting her weight. I know how mean this is but I need someone's help and Kat will be perfect. "Kat, do you have any idea what Andrew will do when he comes? He will wait until our weakest moment, and if he gets impatient he will CAUSE our weakest moment. I have seen the gruesome and psychotic things he has done to gangs, to families, to people. Now imagine the worst possible thing he could do to you and triple it. He will find any and every possible way to break all of you. After a certain point it wouldn't matter if you turned me over or even if he ripped me away, the pain he causes would NEVER stop. Everyone of you would suffer to the point where death was a gleeful wish, the only spark of hope you would be able to muster. I need you to help me. Otherwise think about what he will do to everyone we love...Devyn, Jake, Elton, Corey, Brennen, Colby, Sam..." I feel horrible Kat looks ready to cry, but I know she would never show weakness at a time like this. She looks me in the eyes and says, "I'll help you, but we need a way to stop this forever."

I give Kat a hug and casually string my arm around her as I guide us downstairs to Colby's office, while he's out, because there are no security cameras in his office. We pass Sam on the way, but Kat turns around and gives him a big hug, which he obviously wasn't expecting.

S: You okay? What's going on?

K: Nothing, I love you, baby

Kat reaches up and kisses him before following me into Colby's office where I lock the door. 

B: Okay we need a way to get everyone out of the traphouse and into a place where Andrew's men will not find... at least for a while. 

K: How about we convince Colby to relocate everyone for a vacation type thing to put some distance between us and Andrew. We can convince him it's to keep you safe.

B: I think he might just take that, which leaves me the perfect opportunity to sneak away and hopefully kill Andrew. 

K: How are you supposed to kill him they won't let you in with weapons. And you won't gain his trust after this. 

B: Maybe if we...

We both turned as the door jiggled and Colby stepped inside.

C: Why are you in my office.

B: We were looking for you.

C: Why?

K: Blaire still wants to give herself over to Andrew.

B: *I glare at Kat* It's the only option, everything we have been doing is pointless.

C: No.

B: Colby I'm tired of playing this "yes or no" game, it is the only...

Colby Brock Gang LeaderWhere stories live. Discover now