stay still or move?

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You were INSANELY focused on reading the book.
You were so focused that you were as still as the statue of liberty!
Meanwhile . . . .
You didn't notice bloody painter coming in the distance, setting up his art tools. Still not moving, he started painting you. He was bored and he had art block, so you were the one that he had. But not until hoodie came along.

Hoodie: Move over, your taking up all the space.

He said in a weak dying voice. Even a whisper of something is louder than it.

He just came back from the mission he had, wearing his hoodie with holes, straps on his legs and one on his right arm, yet, he still held the camera in his right hand, he was still bleeding, he was incredibly exausted.
168 hours straight on the field of the mission, not a single blink, looking out with his camera. Yet it was a set up. A trap indeed. He managed to get away with the proof. Successfully.

So . . .

Will you stay still for bloody painter?


Will you move for Hoodie that had stayed up for 168 hours straight, only to be attacked badly in an ambush.

Choose wisely.

E N J O Y !

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