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Emily's POV

Tomorrows the day. The day I'm moving. Nash has been calling and texting me everyday but I have to avoid it, I have to stop being so attached to him so I can enjoy my new life. Nash will always be the best part of my life, but for now that part is over.

I walked down stairs and told my parents bye. I was meeting Maddie and Cam at Starbucks one last time before I go.

As I walk in I see Hayes, Nash, Will, Sky, and their parents sitting with Maddie and Cam. What are they doing here. I walk over and sit in the empty seat, in silence.

"I'm sad your moving Emmy." Sky says walking over to me.

I pick her up and say "Me too Sky."

"I ordered your drink." Nash says not making eye contact with me.

"Thank you."

When our drinks arrive Elizabeth broke the silence, "come see us soon okay?"

I nod and smile.

"What am I gonna do? Your my sister, my best friend." Hayes asks me looking at me crying.

"I've asked myself this question everyday since I found out."

Everyone continued to talk but Nash stayed silent. After I hugged everyone I went to Nash.

I grab his hands and say "Please don't hate me Nash. This hurts me so much and I know it hurts you. I'm just trying to make it better."

"Nothing can make it better Emily. I've never went more than 1 week without you and now I have to live everyday without you."

"I told you I'll come visit and you guys can too."

"Then why can't we be together."

"I don't want lies between us Nash."

"Whatever." He says and walks away.

-next morning-

I finally put the last of my things in the moving truck. I sigh. This is the beginning of a new life.

"I love you." says a voice I recognize, Nash. I turn around to see him and his family there. I jump in his arms and wrap my legs around his waist.

"I love you too." I say crying.

I let go and go to Hayes.

"Call me when you have girl problems okay? I love you so much." I say.

"I will, I love you too."

Then I saw Will.

"Don't cry, I love you." He says.

"Thanks for being like a brother to me even though I have Tanner. I love you too."

"It was my pleasure."

"Hey Sky, I'll miss you. " I say picking her up.

"I love you Emmy."

"I love you more." I say.

I hugged both Elizabeth and Jonnie.

I went back to Nash, now that Tanner was done talking to him.

"I'm sorry I have to go." I say.

"I am too. but let's keep in touch, your still my best friend."

Ouch that hurt.

"I love you so much Nash."

"I love you more Emily."

I hug him and kiss him on the cheek and get into the moving truck with Tanner and my parents.

"Ready?" My mom asks.

"I guess." Tanner and I reply.

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