{Forty} He is fuming.

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"He who is jealous, is never jealous of what you see, with what is imagined is enough."

- Jacinto Benavente.



God, how Ant hates this guy. Well, hate would actually be a bit harsh. But he doesn't like him. At all.

For whatever reason he is in Lisa's circuit of friends and Ant has never liked him. He is arrogant and fake. And oh, he is gay. And well, it's no secret that he likes Dec. Like likes likes him. Everyone knows that, he doesn't even try to hide it. Damn. Why the hell is he here?

Oh gosh, Ant remembers last time he was around and actually, Dec was still with Jason back then. And even then Peter has tried to hit on Dec, hasn't stopped talking to him all evening, has very obviously flirted with him, has tried to be close to him whenever he could.

And well, with Dec being officially single now this will most likely be a very fun night and for Ant a very difficult task to keep that guy away from Dec. From his Declan. Oh boy, he really doesn't like this.

And right when he thinks that, Peter notices them and almost sprints across the room and immediately hugs them all. First Lisa, then him and then his Declan.

"Oh it's so nice to see you, guys" he says in this overly excited and annoying voice. And way too camp on top. Oh this will be fun indeed.

"Dec, you look great" Peter says and smiles at him. "Nice shirt."

With that, he touches Dec's arm and runs his hand over the material of his shirt and Ant is already fuming inside. How dare he just touch his Declan like that? How dare he?!

"Dec, you want a drink?" Ant asks quickly and puts an arm around his shoulders, dragging him away from that man.

Well. He at least tries to.

"Oh, great idea!" Peter exclaims and follows them into the kitchen.

Peter hands them all a drink once they arrive, something he says they just have to try out. With that he of course giggles stupidly at Dec and Ant is a bit relieved when Dec rolls his eyes at him when Peter isn't looking for a quick moment. But still. This is annoying.

"So Dec, we haven't seen each other in quite a while" Peter smiles while sipping on his drink - which is way way too sweet for Ant by the way.

"Yeah, it's been a while" Dec explains and smiles as well.

But Ant knows it's his polite smile, his professional smile, the one he does whenever they are in a meeting and he very obviously - to Ant at least - doesn't want to be there. He only hopes he is right and Dec doesn't really smile at this moron. Damn it. He wanted to have a nice evening, he wanted to enjoy himself, having a nice time with Lisa and Dec. Not... well, this.

But well, Ant knows that he can't do anything right now. He can't make a scene, he can't tell Dec to go away from Peter, he can't do anything. Other than watch this. Right in front of his eyes.

Oh God. Well, he knows he is in a way overreacting. He knows Dec loves him. And of course he trusts him, but he doesn't trust Peter. Not even a single bit.

Luckily, after about 15 minutes, Lucy, another friend of Lisa arrives and she is basically Peter's best friend and so he is occupied with greeting her and talking to her for a bit.

And Ant actually tries to enjoy the party for a moment. He exchanges this awfully sweet drink for a cold beer and then grabs both Lisa and Dec and drags them into the living room where a little dance floor is set up. They drink and dance for quite a while and he smiles and laughs and really succeeds in forgetting about this moron for a while.

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