Raven's POV~

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I was walking the street. I wear a gray hoodie to hide my hair. If anyone show it they would know who I was right away and I don't want that! My eye caught someone walking by me. He was wearing a brown hoodie and the hood was over his face. I couldn't see who it was but I didn't care. I slickly reached to his pocket as he walked by. I was took out his wallet but he grabbed my wrist.

Guy: You shouldn't try to take a Task Force member's wallet....you might go to Jail...

We turned his eyes to look at me. He had brown eyes.

Raven: Let go of me!

I tried to pull away but he tightly his wrist. My heart started to beat fast. I can't go to Jail!

Raven: Who the hell are you anyways!!!???

The guy smirks.

Guy: Like I said before...I'm a member of the Task Force and we been looking for you for awhile Raven...but since I'm on break I will let you off this time...but next time won't be as easy....I promise you that!

He let's go of my wrist and takes his wallet than  walks away. The fuck is that?! I watch him leave. I hesitantly turn away and walked to my alley.

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