Raven's POV

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Why do I get the feeling Ryan does like those three that much. I don't seem to see why though...maybe it's because they helped investigate his adopted Father? We walk down to another room. It was a meeting room with two couches. A little table was place in the middle of them. It had a flower vast with roses in it. It was a small room.

Raven: Why the hell did you bring me here?!

Ryan: You seem ok on edge!

Ryan closes the door. I glare at him.

Raven: Of course I'm fucking on edge!! You're here!! You fucking father shot L in the head!!!

Ryan: I don't like to be reminded of that....

I turned to him.

Raven: Why!! Is it because it reminds you of what you were born to do!!! What Light adopted you to do!! Why is it because you don't want to feel regret about what he did to him!!!

I hissed at him. Ryan just stands there looking down.

Raven: Answer me!!!

He finally looks up and gives me a death stare. I freeze. What the hell was that...he looked like Light for a second. Ryan looks away.

Ryan: You and the others will never understand how I felt that day....

He turns to some books and picks one up. He opens it and looks through. I look down at the floor. What is there to understand! Light killed L! That's all the matters! I look up and glare at him.

Raven: do I even have a fucking choose or are you gonna force me to be in this fucking Task Force!!!???

I growled. Ryan stops reading. He doesn't move for a second. He than turns his head to me.

Ryan: I can't force you but....I'm not who I use to be....

Raven: Yeah right!! You're still a fucking Jerk who doesn't care about anyone who took care of him!!!

Ryan turns to my fully.

Ryan: Go....I won't stop you...but remember....time won't heal the wounded if they aren't ready to forgive the ones who hurt them the most!

I scoff.

Raven: Just give me my hoodie!

Ryan gave me my hoodie and I pull it away from him. I walk past him and walk out the door.

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