Ryan's POV

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I sat at my desk tapping my fingers on the wood. Maybe I haven't grown up...maybe I still am I Jerk...I never respected Light....I was always didn't listen to him...if I did...maybe this could of been different....Light....what did you see in me? I wasn't different from the  others....Ace...and the others were are willing to do their mom and dad's work while I was not...Ace always told me to focus more and listen to you Light...I guy it's a good thing I didn't though! Matsuda saved me and I wasn't greeted full...that was because I didn't want to be saved....I'm a little angry with Matsuda for saving me....but I'm to scared to imagine what would of happened if he didn't.....Light....what should I do? Should I continue to look for the Death Note? I know....asking you isn't the best thing I should because...what you did....but....I really need you advice on her to coop with everything....I with they understood my pain.... I have to go to bed anyways...Goodnight...Light...

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