Chapter 6 First contract assigned

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Hanko point of view

     It has been four days since Dante stole a kiss from me, not that am mad or anything. It was a really good kiss the only thing am mad about is Kazama butting in were he shouldn't, dame idiot I think to my self. I had chase Kazama for a good long bit until I coat him and lock him in a head lock witch was light enough for him to breathe but couldn't get away. That might was filled with laughter including Mockaze who rarely did.

     As I dress for the day a knock came at my door, I raised an eyebrow as I slip my tank top over my and push it down my body. I walk to the door and open it to see Tenjoe.

"Hay Tenjoe, what's up?" I ask opening my door wider.

"Want to train with me." He ask. I shake my head.

"No Shin's got a contract for me, and it's the first one i'll be working on with Dante." I said, sitting down in an are chair and pulled on my boots.

     Last evening while the sun was hanging low in the sky, me and my brothers were all doing the same thing cleaning our weapons. Of course we all wield different weapons but some had more then others like Mockaze who has to many. We had all gone out to the huge gazebo and took the cleaning supplies along with the main weapons we used, even Dante joined us for a change. That was when Shin told all of us about the contract we were to take on the very next day, and I was supposed to tag team with Dante.

     As I walk to the library were we choose our contract I saw Mockaze standing outside the door. I cock my head at him and kept walking, when I was close enough I saw his eyes were close. I smiled as I reach my hand out to touch his cheek, "Mockaze wake up." I said softly. His eyes open slowly and I pulled my hand away, he then stretch his arms above his head and I smiled. That shirt is way to tight on him, all my brothers had a good body fully muscle and there skin almost to tight. But of course am there sister but no can say for sure my brothers have killer body. I wounded if they ever merry, I look beyond Mockaze in deep thought.

"What are you thinking little bird." Mockaze ask, his head down on my level.

"Nothing really just wondering why all my handsome brothers don't get married." I said bluntly, Mockaze's eyes widen and he straten to his full hight.

"We haven't found the right women for us, any of us." He shrugged and look away from me. And it made me sad.

     With Mockaze sad faces still on my mind I entered the library. With all my brothers including Dante and Trish along with a lot of weapons on the table, look at me when I entered Mockaze following close behind. I stood beside Dante who smiled warmly at me, witch made a shiver go down my spine. Even though I could build a loving relationship with Dante as long my brothers don't kill him first, I still feel like another half is missing from me and I can figure it out. Trying to keep my mind focus and not on the handsome man beside me or the half empty feeling inside me, I look to Shin who had papers in one hand.

     As I sat down in one of the chairs and cross my legs a cup of tea was set down in front of me. As I look off to my left one of the maids smiled and bowed then left. I pick up the cup and bowed on it to cool it some before drinking it a bit. As we all wait for the contract briefing, most are easy but some times we need to bring a partner so we can watch each other's back.

"Today we got a contract from an old friend." Shin said as he look at everyone around the table.

"Which friend, we have so many." I said softly, putting my cup down.

"Paul." Shin said calmly.

" Paul?" Dante ask, with a raised eyebrow.

"Our weapons supplier and designer. His not exactly human." I said, with a smile playing on my lips.

" Oh, I see." Dante said as he calm.

     He look so worried, I let my head down to my right hand and look at him. It seems he wanted to learn more about me and how our devil hunting works. But, I think to my self my smile falling. Somethings are better kept secret for now, at that moment a hand came down to rub my head. I jump and look up the hand still on my head as I look up into Kazama deep green eyes his dark blond hair falling in his faces.

"Awake sleepy head?" I smiled at him, and he yawned big.

"Morning." He said weakly.

"Nice for you to join us." Shin said, Kazama look at him and stuck his tough out at him.

"Now boys, no fighting I don't believe we need to replace furniture...again." All three of my brothers wince at my statement.

"Do they destroy things often?" Dante ask.

"Oh yes." I smiled sweetly at him, " The last thing we-."

"Enough!" Shin and Kazama both barked cutting me off.

"Rude very rude dear brothers." I said leaning back in my chair.

     After our family banter we get down to business, Shin explains that one of use needs to go to the u.k and find out about the mystery killings oddly link to Jack the ripper back in 1800s.

"So we go a copy cat demon, oh joy." Kazama says, with a frown.

"Appers so." Mockaze said, a thought look on his faces.

"So who's going and not going?" I ask, as I look around the table.

"You are Hanko." Shin said, look at me.

"Very well. May I have a partner?" I ask.

"If you think you'll need one." Shin nodded.

Dante point of view

     As Shin look at Hanko she dip her head in clearly deep though, witch made her lean even father back making her chest come out even more. Her nicely rounded breast look so tempting to touch at I nearly groaned out loud. I even had to revel my self of my swollen cock because of her and her sexy body. But I don't think I want to have sex with her not yet anyway. Not when she has four brothers who could kick my ass because I hurt there little sister. But half of me wants to but the other half feels lost in a way and I can't place my finger on it. How strange I think.

"Dddddaaannt you listening?" Hank said poking my shoulder hard.

"What?" I said looking at her, she grons. I wounded if she'll grons like that when I take her, I thought then I mentally kick my self.

"Would you like to be my partner?" She ask looking at me.

"Uh yeah." I said.

"Good! What's the details Shin?" Hanko turned from me to her eldest brother to get the details.

     But as we were going over what we need and were to go a funny feeling went up my spine. It was cold and unwelcome and it was that feeling something big was about to change big time. I look to Hanko who some what stiffen her shoulders but other wise look calm. She felt it to, the question was what was about to happen?


This took me awhile because am working on two story's now.

Thanks for reading!!!!!!!!!!!!

Vote for the next chapter!!!!!!

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