Chapter 8 Copy Cat demon

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Dante point of view

We arrived in the U.K about two days ago with no leads. What a pain, I look around at the cafe we pick out to go over what we know witch was almost nothing. Hanko was all over the places trying to get leads which ended with dead ends, and Hanko stared too look more and more tired as of late. We were staying in a safe house for now but I became to quit for me so I took a lot of walks just to clear my mind. The murders were still happening and were becoming more and more violent in its self. It even maid me gag a bit just to see the body's.

Hanko had said we would meet up at the cafe.later because she was checking on some leads that could prove useful. So far we had almost nothing on the demon and it was aggravating to say the least. It always seemed the demon was one step ahead of us and still killed who ever it please. As I was think on that a light tap came down on my shoulder and I look to see Hanko's smiling faces.

"Hay Dante." She sat down across from me.

"Got anything new today?" I drink some of my coffee, she nodded.

"Yes but only a little bit." She sighed long.

"Tired?" I grin, she just glared.

"Of course I am!" She snap.

I laugh at her out burst witch only made her cheeks rose in color and my smile only widen. She then preceded to give me lip about my behavior and how bad I was.

"What? You don't like my bad boy image?" I laugh and she glared hard.

"Oh shut it!" Her blush reaching to her ears now, how cute.

"Any how let's discussed what I found." She save her hand in the air as she took long breaths to calm. down.

"By all means." I raise and eyebrow, and she just shook her head.

She went on to explain the habit of the demons killing witch were becoming bolder as time moved on. It was worry some because now the kills were not just women there were men who were killed in a similar way as the women, witch contest of removing of the chest area. But the worse part was the removal of the penis, as Hanko said that I cringe visibly.

"Oh I'm sorry." Her eyes were worried.

"Yeah well... That's a man's prize in some cases." I look away. Hanko laugh went on to explain.

"I may have located were the demon will be next to kill its next victim. Hopefully we get there before it kills who ever it pick." She sighed hopefully.

"Yes let's hop." I grimace.

Shin's point of view

     Staring outside the window that over look the garden a thought comes to mind. But it pass quickly as a knock comes to the door. "Come in." I yell loud enough to go through the thick wooden door as I turn to look at it. Mockaze step in looking grim as he sits in one of the chairs in front of the desk.

"What is it now brother?" I sigh.

"Nothing serious." He look away.

"But serious enough to put a grim look on your faces." I say flatly as I sit in my chair.

"You know who Dante's father and his brother is." Mockaze look at me.

"Yes I know." I frown.

"Yet Hanko doesn't." Mockaze bared his teeth angry.

"If your worried about-."

"I am worried!" Mockaze snap cutting me off. It was very rare when he became angry.

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