Chapter 9 Portal to darkness

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Dante point of view

Well this can't get any better. I think to my self as I pulled Hanko to me. That man was a good 5 feet from us but I still didn't trust him he had cut hanko's chin witch was mind and that made me bristled in anger. Has Hanko connected with my chest I route to my left arm around her to keep her tucked near me while my other hand went for my sword. A very sharp sound of a blade pierces the night the man stands a big grin on his face and he laughed loudly.

He steps forward but I put my blade out of him and he stops. But the smile is still on his faces never wavering for a moment. Hanko puts a hand on my arm and I look back. When i see her faces my eyes go to the cut at her chin witch isn't dripping with blood and my eyes narrow. Why is her cut not bleeding still? I ask my self as I look back at the mad man.

His fingering the blade now as he eyes the blood on the edged of it. "Yes yes." He mutters quietly to him self. He look s back at me with black eyes as he grins his yellow teeth showing in the dim light. Then he slowly backs away into the darken ally and disspiders from sight. I step aggressively toward him but a tug on my coat stops me. I bare my teeth as I look behind me at Hanko.

"What are you doing! we have to chances him!" I yelled not caring if someone heard us.

"And your yelling to loudly. We can follow him but his mind seems to be broken in some way." She spook calmly and my nostiles flared. How the hell can she so dame calm!

"Why are you so calm! He cut your chin, and why not chase him now." My voice rose as heat burned through my whole body. Hanko then scowl and poke me right between the eyes softly.

"Your just like my brother's always rushing into things before your ready. not only that but have you even notice something about the man who ran off?"

"Other then he threated your life baby? No not really." I said and Hanko only sighed and muttered something on the line of 'Men'.

"The man in question is human." She said flatly.

"Oh." was all I said.


Vergil point of view Almost 1 hours since Dante and Hanko saw the man (Time skip)

As I roamed through the underworld I could feel a change on the wind. All the demons were staring to act up more then they have before and also seemed exited. A waste of emotion if you ask me because there was nothing here in the underworld.

As I walk through a narrow path way. I hear scrambling from above and dust fell slightly. I look up as fast shadows go by, I frown but pay it little mind as I move forward.

I walk away from the narrow make shift walk way up a steep cliff to survey the area around me. And as I make my climes yamato begins to shake in my grasp. I pay it no mind until it is practically shaking my arm.

Hafe way up the hill and I look down at my sword. Were the sheath covers the blade a blue glow can be seen and my eyes narrow.

"What's wrong?" I ask my blade as it keeps shaking.

A roar sounds in the distance in my head shoots up to look in the direction and my eyes lay on a horrific sight. A horde of demons some small some large. What in the name of Sparta is going on?

Hanko point of view present time

"Oh." Dante said.

I rolled my eyes at him. Of course he didn't notice men usually don't noticed the little thing its always up to us women to do this. As I explained my fighting game to start understanding the whole entire picture.

"Okay so he's human but i still doesn't understand the fact why would he want to open the underworld in the first place." Dante said looking to be in deep thought.

"I have no idea but it can't be good." Its never good when someone wants to open the underworld for what ever reason. I think to my self.

I lose fuse for a moment going over everything I have been adding in my own head. But nothing comes up, one he kills people like his jack the reaper reborn. Not only that but he has a sick twisted mind from all of it.

A tap on my shoulder brings me back to the present as I look over my shoulder to see worried blue eyes.


"Shh..." is all he says as he sides his fingers under my chin and lofted my head. His thumb brush against the cut on my chin witch had already it self. I tried to pull away but he slid his other arm around my back with acted as a steel rod on my back.

His brow nits togather as he brush away the blood. It didn't hurt of course the cut had healed almost the same moment the man cut me.

"Hanko your cut..." he trails off.

"Its ok Dante." I try to reassure him that I'm completely okay.

Dante gives me a thoughtful look but nods and steps away. But it feels as if he wants to say something.

Even for his bull headedness he caught on to things pretty quicky for sure.

I pay it no mind as I look away.

"We need to find him quickly if we are to have a chance to stop him." I said.

"What are you thinking?" He ask flatly.

"I have a plan but it could be risky." I said with a smile.



Yeah I haven't updated this story in a while and I feel bad.

But I will keep on working on it so dont worry.

Vote for the next chapter if you like this one or you just like the story!

Thank you readers!!!!!!!

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