The Unsorted Girl

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Mallory Cheshire's Notebook
September 14th, 2001

"Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Salazar Slytherin were the founders of the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. They formed Hogwarts to teach young witches and wizards to learn magic. However, there may have been one forgotten founder. Matilda Mothellune founded her house in hope of helping misguided students to learn how to use their magic powers, behave better, pass their classes, and learn more about themselves. Mothellune believed that even people who made huge mistakes needed a chance. However, some of the students started to vandalize Hogwarts, and destroy the reputation of the school. Mothellune ran out of ways to help them, and she fled. The students of the house then attacked the teachers in a duel without permission. It was their last strike, and all of the known students of the Mothellune house were expelled. To get rid of any known traces, the founders planted several trees blocking the Mothellune Common Room. Centuries later, the Forbidden Forest took over the area, and Matilda Mothellune, along with her legacy and house, was long forgotten." I read, not knowing that I read the passage out loud.

"Mallory, you read that dusty myth book way too much." my best friend, Agnes, said to me. "I know, but I'm just wondering, if the myth of the forgotten fifth house, you know, is true?" I wondered. "It's just a myth, Mallory. It hasn't been proven if it's real. And even if it is, then that house no longer exists." my other friend, Genevieve, said in an annoyed tone. "Don't you think I know that Genevieve?" I asked, with my teeth clenched, about to rip her throat out. (Well, not really. But I feel that way!) "Mal, my dude. My pal. I know how badly you want to get sorted so you can feel like a real student at Hogwarts. However, Agnes and Genevieve are right. This is just an old myth, and it's definitely not true!" My friend, Ernest told me. Before you ask, it's true. I'm not sorted, yet I'm still in Hogwarts. You're probably wondering how I feel about this. It SUCKS. Everyone here, especially all of my friends, got sorted, except for ME. Agnes Gastrell is a Hufflepuff, her brother, Ernest, is a Gryffindor, and Genevieve Banister is a Ravenclaw. Me? I'm just plain, untalented, unsorted, Mallory Cheshire. You might also be wondering why it's the second week of my first year at Hogwarts, and that I haven't been sorted yet.

It all happened on Monday, two weeks ago. I headed inside the Great Hall of Hogwarts, excited to get sorted into my house and to learn all there is to know about magic. I sat at a table with Agnes, who I met at Diagon Alley when we were getting school supplies, and all that stuff. "Oh my gosh, Mallory! I'm so excited to get sorted!" Agnes squealed. "I know. I heard you the last 20 times." I groaned, rolling my eyes. The headmistress, McGonagall, then made this speech about Hogwarts this, and Sorting Hat that. I didn't really care too much to pay attention to what that old hag had to say. Then, the Sorting Hat recited this boring poem about the four houses of Hogwarts that almost put me to sleep. Everyone then was announced, one by one. I then rolled my eyes at everyone who came before me (I'm really impatient, so it's not easy for me to wait for stuff like this). I was about to have a total snore-fest when McGonagall then called out "Cheshire, Mallory." I then walked up. "Okay, let's get this overwith." I thought to myself. McGonagall then placed the Sorting Hat on my head. "Hmmm..... weird..... interesting...... I never sorted a student like this before......." the hat said. "Just HURRY UP and SORT ME ALREADY!" I shouted, due to not being able to wait any longer. "Let the hat take its time, Cheshire." McGonagall said. "Ugh, FINE." I said, rolling my eyes. "Hmmm..... not brave enough for Gryffindor....." the Sorting Hat remarked. "I'm brave enough to rip you up..." I muttered. ".....too lazy for Hufflepuff...." the Sorting Hat said. Okay, that was true. I don't put much effort in things. Whatever. " smart but makes choices that aren't so smart..... isn't good for Ravenclaw......" the Sorting Hat mentioned. For the record, I don't make stupid choices. (We all know the hat was thinking it). I mean, sure, I broke some laws in the Muggle world, but I'm leaving it behind forever, so it really doesn't matter. " a rebel...... but isn't ambitious enough for Slytherin......" it continued. Okay, so what? I don't have any dreams, but I'm still figuring my life out! How am I supposed to know what I want out of life, when I don't know what life I'm living? "It turns out that this girl doesn't have a house that suits her." the Sorting Hat stated. I got mad then. I grabbed that hat and started shaking it hard. "YOU BETTER SORT ME! JUST PUT ME IN ANY RANDOM HOUSE! I DON'T MIND! JUST PUT ME IN THIS FLIPPIN' SCHOOL!" I shouted. "I'm sorry, but I can't come up with anything!" the Sorting Hat cried as I threw that thing to the ground. Everyone stared at me in shock. Like sure, I threw it to the ground, but if it insulted you for who you were, and not being able to sort you, then wouldn't you get angry at it, too? I swear, I wish that I knew some sort of fire spell so I could burn that thing.

I then decided to sit down while everyone else got sorted. "Gastrell, Agnes." McGonagall called out. Agnes then got sorted into Hufflepuff. I then clapped for my friend. I might not have been sorted, but I'm happy for Agnes. I'm not THAT jealous.

After everyone got sorted, McGonagall put some food on the table, and we ate it. Every day after that, I often got teased for my lack of a house, but I really didn't care. I don't need a house to define me. I just need my magic skills. I just wanted a house to get sorted in so that I could make some friends, and learn more about myself. I then got called inside of McGonagall's office. If this is because of how I acted, then she's making a big deal out of it. I then walked inside her office. She told me that even though she didn't like how I acted, she understood how I felt. She decided that I could choose my house for myself by having me stay over at each house for a few nights. I agreed to her plan. First, I stayed over at Gryffindor Common Room. I then met Amber Clementine, a Prefect of the house. She introduced me to the Gryffindor first years, including Ernest Gastrell, Agnes's brother. Amber was really sweet. She let me stay in her room with her for my few nights. "So, is it true?" Amber asked. "What?" I asked. "Is it true that Professor McGonagall let you choose your house?" she asked. "I'm ashamed to say it, but yes." I told her. "Why are you ashamed?" she asked. "I find it really exciting! You have an opportunity to see who your real friends are, and to learn about yourself!" she continued. "Stuff like that is why I wanted to get sorted in the first place. That way, I'd know already." I stated. "Yeah, but there's no mystery! There's no excitement!" she said. She then looked deep into my eyes. "Mallory, you don't realize this, but you're really lucky." she told me. "Anyways, I'm going to get some shut eye. Good night, Mallory." Amber said. "Good night, Amber." I responded.

I'm going to be completely honest with you. Amber and Ernest were the only GOOD things about staying in the Gryffindor Common Room. Everything else was a total NIGHTMARE! Some of the boys were wrestling, while Amber and some of the other Prefects were trying to get them to stop. Is this just for this year, or do most Gryffindors act like this? I might never find out. Maybe they'll calm down this year, but there's one thing I know, and that's the fact that I. Can't. Tolerate. This. Any. Longer. So, I decided to leave. That means that I have three options: Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Agnes is a Hufflepuff, and she's really cool. I decided to stay there because I already knew Agnes, so maybe Hufflepuff would be better for me.

I walked into the Hufflepuff Common Room. It was very quiet. Agnes was sitting at the table, drawing on her sketchbook. I sat next to her. "Hey, Agnes!" I said, greeting her. "Mallory? What are you doing here?" she asked. "McGonagall let me choose my house due to that stupid hat not being able to choose for me, so I'm here just to check this place out." I told her. "Cool!" she said. "Can I room with you for the few nights that I'm here?" I asked Agnes. "Sure!" she said excitedly. If there's one thing that I know for sure, it's that Hufflepuff is very hardworking, unlike me. If there's one thing that the Sorting Hat got right about me, it's that I'm really lazy. I often don't put any effort into things, but that's because I don't really care about anything. Well, except for my friends, but that's it. Also, Hufflepuffs are very patient, and if you can tell by the way that the Sorting Hat was doing the sorting process on me, I am not patient at all. I stayed there for a few nights, and it just wasn't for me. Sure it wasn't as bad as some of the first years in Gryffindor, but I just didn't feel like Hufflepuff was really my house, you know? I then decided to go check out Ravenclaw. When I decided to take a look at Ravenclaw, that was the day that I met another friend of mine, Genevieve.

I walked inside of the Ravenclaw Common Room, and it was actually really cool. "Hey look! It's the Unsorted Girl!" Genevieve then said as she saw me. (I didn't know her name at the time, but I do now.) "I have a NAME, you know." I said. "Oh, yeah! Mallory Cheshire, right? I'm Genevieve Banister." I have to admit, she gets on my nerves sometimes. I know hat she doesn't intend it, but she can be a big jerk sometimes. However, she's still cool, and she helps me learn magic, so I definitely consider her as a friend. "So, Mallory, what are you here for?" Genevieve asked. "McGonagall said that because I didn't get sorted, that I could choose my house. I decided to check this house out to see if it's for me." I told her. "Oh! That's pretty cool!" she said. To be honest, I feel dumb compared to the Ravenclaws, but staying in the common room was awesome! I got to know Genevieve, but I also got to know an amazing wizard! His name is Seth Worcester, and he's a second year. He's smart, kind, and he's kind of adorable. (In case you're wondering, I do NOT have a crush on Seth. Or anyone. Crushes are a waste of time. I have better things to do than pine over someone that might not like me back.) I became great friends with them both. Genevieve helped me with Charms homework (which I struggle with the most), and she also helped me with Potions. Don't get me wrong, Ravenclaw is great, but I don't know for sure if that's the house that I want to stay in unless I give Slytherin a chance.

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