Big News

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I walked out of the Mothellune Mansion, only to see the bubble gone, and Jericho still standing outside. "What took you so lo-" Jericho said while looking at my robe. "Did you just get sorted into the lost house?!" he asked, raising his voice in disbelief. "I sure did! Pretty sweet, huh?" I said. "I guess that no one's going to call you the Unsorted Girl anymore." Jericho said. "Yeah! It's pretty great!" I said. "Especially my cousin. I'm sorry about Forrest, by the way. She's a jerk." he told me. "Oh, no, it's fine. If she didn't make me angry, I wouldn't have punched her and broken her broom, and if it wasn't for that, I wouldn't have ended up in detention, and if it wasn't for that, I wouldn't have wandered off and ended up here, and if it wasn't for that, I wouldn't have gotten sorted. So, tell Forrest that I said thanks." I said to him. "I will." Jericho told me. "Also, if Filch is asking where I am, tell him that I'm in my Common Room already. I'm going to bed." I said to him. "Okay, then. Good night, Mallory." Jericho said. "Good night, Jericho." I responded. I then walked back inside of the mansion. It was really cool that I had it all to myself. However, I lied to Jericho. I told him that I was going to bed, but I'm not even tired! I decided to head to Hagrid's hut, get my stuff, and I found my can of spray paint. I used to do a lot of graffiti in the Muggle world, and I had the urge to do it here at Hogwarts. However, I resisted that urge. I don't know how, but I was able to resist the urge. Maybe it's because that I want to change. I casted Lumos, and I lighted my way back to my house. Because it's not easy to find my way to the Mothellune Mansion and back, I used my can of spray paint to mark a trail so that I'd know where to go. I then followed the trail again. I went back inside the house, I went upstairs, and I looked inside each bedroom. I found the best one (which has a balcony, and that's really cool) and I chose it as my room. I took off my robes, and I changed into my pajamas. It's lonely being the only one in my house, but it's great! I'm going to go to bed, and I'll write about what happens later on this year.

October 8th, 2001

A few weeks went by, and things at Hogwarts are going a lot better. For one, no one is calling me the Unsorted Girl anymore. Not even Forrest. Also, my friends were really excited for me when I told them the news. They noticed when I walked to school, with my tie being purple and white, and having the Mothellune logo on my robes. I told them about detention, how I wandered off into the forest, how I saw the mansion, and how I got sorted. "Wow! I can't believe that you got sorted into the lost house!" Ernest exclaimed. "I can't believe that the lost house is real." Genevieve stated, with a shocked look on her face. Agnes then hugged me REALLY tightly. "I'm so happy for you, Mallory!" Agnes screeched with joy. "Thanks. You can let go of me, now." I said.

Also, not only are things going great with my friends, but I'm making new ones! I can sit at any table that I want to in the Great Hall when we eat, and wherever I sat, people would ask me questions and try to get to know me! "Mallory, is it true that you got sorted into the lost house?" one student asked. "Mallory! What's it like being the only student sorted into your house?" asked another. I answered their questions one by one. I felt like I was famous. I told McGonagall the news. She knew about the myth, and she told me that if I could get my act together and not break any rules, I could get Mothellune to be an established house at Hogwarts! That excited me. I want to be able to build Matilda Mothellune's legacy, and not let it get unnoticed any longer.

I decided to start out by apologizing to everyone that I lashed out at (well, except for Forrest. She deserved it.) I apologized to Hooch for destroying one of her brooms, and I even apologized to that Sorting Hat for being so violent to it (even though it's a flippin' HAT). Now I might as well put my apology into action. This is going to be harder than I thought. However, not only am I trying to improve as a person, but I'm improving in my classes! I've learned more in my classes, and I finally learned how to summon my broom. My friends congratulated me, due to the fact that Ernest was still struggling, so I decided to help him. (I'm actually kind of shocked. Agnes was the first one to summon her broom correctly). Hooch noticed the fact that I helped him. "Thank you so much for helping Ernest learn how to summon his broom. 10 points for Mothellune." Hooch told me. Sweet! I got my first ten points! That's pretty rad! I'm going to need a lot more than that to catch up with the other houses.

I have arrived at the Common Room, where I spotted a teacher. I know that he's a teacher, because he always stands outside of his classroom before the class starts. However, he's not any of my teachers. "What the hell are you doing here?" I asked him. "Well, Professor McGonagall had a meeting with some of the other professors, and we discussed your special house. She told us that someone needed to supervise you. You know, keep you on the straight and narrow." he explained. This is pissing me off. I never needed ANY supervision whatsoever, and I loved living in here by myself! Oh, well. I enjoyed my time alone while I had it. "So, as you can see, I, Professor Ranarowl, decided to step in as the head of Mothellune!" he continued. "Okay, then." I said. I decided not to go off, because I didn't want any points taken away from my house. Besides, maybe I could learn some things from Ranarowl.

I decided to study with Genevieve, and I told her about Ranarowl supervising my house. "Professor Xander Ranarowl is supervising Mothellune?" Genevieve asked me, with a shocked look on her face. "I don't know why you look so surprised. McGongall trusts Ranarowl, and he seems like he could teach me a thing or two." I said to her. "You do know that he teaches Defense Against the Dark Arts, right?" Genevieve told me. "Yeah. So what?" I said. What's wrong with Defense Against the Dark Arts? I would LOVE to take that class! I would love to learn how to fight bad guys with magic spells! Agnes then heard our conversation and joined us. "Defense Against the Dark Arts? I heard of rumors that the class is SUPER jinxed." she whispered. "They're just rumors, Agnes. You never know if they're true or not." I told her while rolling my eyes. "I don't think so. I've read documents of the school's history, and every year the professors had to switch out due to either being frauds or something bad happening to them." Genevieve said, informing us. "Maybe it has been jinxed in the past, but maybe it's no longer jinxed anymore. We'll just have to wait and see." I told them.

The past few weeks was a lot to take in, that's for sure. I'm going to go to sleep, just so I could absorb all of this.

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