The Overrated Hearthrrob

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The day before I decided to experiment with Slytherin, I was walking to Transfiguration class with Genevieve. However, the weirdest, most annoying thing happened. A bunch of people, mostly girls, were running and screaming. "What the hell is going on here?" I yelled, annoyed. A tall Slytherin boy then walked down the hallways, with a smug look on his face. "Oh my gosh!!! It's Jericho Ellery!" a random Hufflepuff shouted. "Jericho! I love you!" a Gryffindor screeched. "BE MY BOYFRIEND JERICHO!!!!" a Slytherin shouted. "Kiss me, Jericho!" another Slytherin shouted, while she was with her group of friends. Jericho then blew a kiss to the Slytherin, and she was running and screaming like it's the must exciting thing in the world. I looked at him, and he's just a boy with blond bangs and green eyes. Out of all the boys in Hogwarts, why him? I guess that there's something in him that I just don't see. I saw another Hufflepuff running so fast, that he almost bumped into me. "HEY! WATCH IT SCRUB!" I yelled, but he ran too far to hear me. "Sorry you had to hear that." I said to Genevieve. "It's fine." she said to me. "I understand you completely, Mallory. Jericho is SUPER overrated. Like, he should wipe that smirk off of his face!" she said. "Exactly! Good thing someone gets it!" I agreed, as we walked into class. We were the first ones to arrive. It turns out that Jericho is in the same class as us. Great. Just great.

The professor, Professor Yandell, walked into the room. "Greetings, students, I am Professor Yandell, and I will teach Transfigurations. Professor McGonagall became the Headmistress not too long ago, and I'm now the new professor. I hope that you learn well from my teaching. Today, we are going to learn how to cast our first spell.... (blah blah) Now, I shall assign two students to work in pairs, so that you can use the spell on your partner..... (blah blah) Don't worry, I will reverse the spell after you cast it..... (blah blah)". she rambled. Honestly, I get bored from the professor talking about the spell. I just wanna cast it already! Anyways, I was hoping that my partner would be Genevieve. She'd definitely be a big help. However, out of everyone in this class, I got Jericho. Flippin' JERICHO. That overrated pretty boy who probably used some sort of enchantment spell to get a bunch of students to fall for him. "Hey, aren't you that unsorted girl that everyone has been talking about?" Jericho asked. "Shut up, Jericho." I muttered, giving him a dirty look. My gosh, he's even more annoying when he TALKS. We practiced the spell, and is it just me, or did Jericho hit on me a little bit? He said stuff like "You know, I heard that you can choose your house. Pick Slytherin, then you can be my Head Girl ~" he whispered in my ear. "Trust me, I'd rather be unsorted throughout the rest of my days at Hogwarts then to be YOUR Head Girl." I whispered back. "Oh, come on! You may be unsorted, but I know you've got it going on!" he said with a smirk on his face, continuing to hit on me. Like, why me? There are SEVERAL other witches and wizards who would LOVE it if Jericho flirted with them. If anything, several is an UNDERSTATEMENT! I'm probably the only first-year who DOESN'T like him! There's one thing I know for sure, and that's the fact that I want to join Slytherin less and less because of this scumbag.

I then followed Jericho, and I snuck inside the Slytherin Common Room after he said the password. As everyone sat on the couch, I tried to sneak the stuff into an empty girl's dorm, and I fell, making a loud noise. Everyone looked at me. "Well, well, well. The cute unsorted girl came running to me after all. I knew that it was only a matter of time." Jericho said with a smirk on his face. "I swear, call me cute ONE MORE TIME, and I will DESTROY your FACE." I shouted. Jericho then backed up. "Yeah, that's right." I muttered. "Anyways, Jericho, I didn't come for you. McGonagall is letting me choose my house, so I decided to check out Slytherin." I said. A girl then walked in. "Oh my gosh! What is that lowlife, unsorted, girl doing here?" she said, with the most annoying voice possible. "Oh hey, cuz! McGonagall let Mallory stay here for a few nights so that she could choose her house!" Jericho told her. "Thanks for using my real name this time." I muttered. "Why is her stuff near MY ROOM?!" she screeched. "Can you chill out? I'm just setting it down for now! I didn't know that that room was yours!" I said. The girl then walked up to me. "Don't TELL ME to CHILL OUT." she yelled in my face. "You're such a lowly pig." she whispered in my ear. "I'm sorry about my cousin." Jericho said. "Forrest can be really mean." he continued. "It's fine." I said. I didn't think that this would ever happen, but Jericho actually said something that didn't make me want to puke all over him. It turns out that he could be a decent guy when he wants to. None of the Slytherin girls wanted me to room with them, except for this one girl, named Bristol Wentworth. We didn't talk much, but she was really sweet. I'm surprised that she's a Slytherin. I thought that Gryffindor was a nightmare, but Slytherin is WAY worse. I'd rather be in the middle of a group of roughhousing Gryffindor first years than to breathe the same air as these shallow, annoying, preps who think that they're better than everyone else. The only exception was Bristol. At least she's the ONLY decent one there. I was definitely more than happy to get out of the common room when I did. I then went to McGonagall's office. I told her that I couldn't choose a house, and so she told me that this can't go on, so she told me that I should bunk somewhere else until I pick my house. I needed a place to stay, but I then met this one dude with long hair and a long beard. His name was Hagrid (cool yet weird name), he was the Keeper of the Keys, and he let me stay at his hut. It's a good thing that I'm in his cottage. All of the other first years were getting on my nerves. I don't think that I could tolerate these numskulls for one more second without my head exploding. Anyways, a lot happened in just two weeks. Now I'm just in my bed, writing all of this down. I'm going to get some sleep, and see what the day brings tomorrow.

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