Face to face with The Death

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Kasey's story

There was an eerie silence in the air. A humourless laugh was heard. My throat constricted and sweat beads started forming as a black mist started forming. There was it, scrawled in a spiky handwriting...

You have to die.

You can't escape me

I ran.

You can't ignore me

I pushed away the thoughts

I am your destiny

"No!  NO" I screamed wildly as my blood froze in my veins

I can't be changed

A gust of blood spewed on the floor

Can you see me?

I slipped in the pool of blood and breathe rapidly, my lungs drowned in blood and gore.

Can you hear me?

I heard the strange cackling laugh

No, you can't.

I could live if I tried.

I will drown you in your insides

My organs flew out onto the floor, ripping to shreds.

I will suck out your energy

Her soul abandoned her body. Her stomach spilled the dinner it had recently.

Soak in each drop of your blood

It was not long before the red water dried up, leaving stains on the floor

I can knock at your door at any time

She was a child. Her parents had went to sleep, blissfully, happily ignorant of their daughter.

When I come, I don't go

There was no medical explanation for the astronomical death

When I come, you can't escape

"She had no other choice, she had to die" the doctors had said

I choose how you suffer. I have the fun.

She had multiple blood loss and deep cuts found during post mortem

There's no will over me... I go when I wish,  I come when I want to.

The girl had to pay for killing herself.

She had invited, greeted me.

The cause of her suicide was not know

She had called me.

She had called Death

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