Chapter 2

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~Chapter 2~

Yuki's POV

Shigure and I brought the two girls back to our place, not too far from where their tent was set up. We went into the living area and sat around the table. Miss Honda and Miss Aimi on one side, while Shigure and I sat beside each other on the other side. Shigure was still laughing.

"I thought something was strange. The Sohma's own all the land in this area." I say to the girls. Miss Honda was looking down at her lap, and her fists were clenched and pushed against her thighs. Miss Aimi was in almost the same position, but had her notebook and marker in one hand.

"Would it be okay if we live there just a little longer?" Miss Honda said, almost sounding defeated. "Only until as soon as the renovations are over, we swear. We don't have a lot of extra money, but we'll pay."

"Thats a dangerous spot, the cliffs are unstable. Not to mention that two young girls can't stay living in a tent for months." Shigure said as he finally stopped laughing.

Miss Aimi wrote something quickly on her notebook and put it on the table for both all of us to see. 'No, it's okay. I'm even used to the slugs now!'

"We promise, we've got the strength and willpower to see this through!" Miss Honda said, standing alongside her sister who looked like she was going to topple over. "So please just- AIMI?!"

Miss Honda stopped as Miss Aimi fell down. Miss Honda helped her down slowly, as she looked like she lost consciousness, but was still just barely awake. I put my hands on the table as I quickly pushed myself up saying "Miss Aimi?!"

I went over to that side of the table and went to the other side of Miss Aimi. Miss Honda was looking at her sister worriedly, and almost freaking out. I put my hand to Miss Aimi's forehead and quickly realized what was wrong. "She has a fever." I announced to the others in the room.

"I'll go grab some ice to cool her down a little." Shigure said walking to the entrance of the kitchen, opening the doors, and soon realizing how mess the kitchen really was. "Though getting to it could take awhile."

"Its a toxic jungle." Miss Honda says, looking at our horrendous kitchen. 

"Nice analogy." Shigue said. He paused for a brief moment before continuing. "See, part of the cliff has crumbled."

"It did? But how can you tell?" Miss Honda asked, looking suspiciously at Shigure.

"Oh, I like to call it, my animal instinct." Shigure said as I went over to the cabinet the television was on top of, opening it to grab a first aid kit.

"Enough joking. Do you know exactly what part of the cliff collapsed?" I asked Shigure.

"How awful, surely it was nowhere near mine and Aimi's tent though!" Miss Honda says.

"Surely not." Shigure said, making the pair begin to laugh.

"Well, where is it then?" I asked, which just made Shigure shrug.

We decided to go investigate it, all four of us. We found that the girls' tent had been completely engulfed in dirt and stuff, and that the landslide had fallen right on their tent. Miss Honda began tearing up as she said "Wait, mom's picture is still inside!"

Miss Aimi went towards the tent, tears filling her eyes as she attempted to claw away at the dirt, trying to get to the picture. I went beside her and said "You need to calm down."  

Her clothes and skin were now dirty, because of the mud. I place my hand on hers and say "Why don't we come back in the morning, when there's more light? What if something were to happen to you? I doubt your mom would want you to get hurt. Right?"

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