The Sleeping Song Bird

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I'm weird but hey, you gotta love us weirdos!!! Eminem is still just too him!!! Now back to the book. Hehe!!

June's POV

  As we headed back to the jet I noticed that Skylar stopped moving. “Skylar? Honey is something wrong?” He didn’t reply and his head was drooping down. His body started rocking from side to side as he began falling backwards. “Master Skylar!” cried the four youths.

  Sarah caught him in time and lifted his body in a princess hold. We rushed into our jet and let Kristen examine him. “He will be fine. It’s just that he has been naughtily resisting the sleep aid. I told you that the medicine wouldn’t wear off until the next morning. This is the third time he has done this. Just let him rest and he will be fine in the morning.”

   Kristen sighed as she quickly released his hand.
“I’ve been wondering this for a long time now. Why is everyone afraid to touch Master Skylar. Every time he is near, you all move away from him.” Asked Todd.

  “It’s not their fault. It’s just that Skylar is very powerful. Even more than he himself knows. One touch and he will know everything about you. He has yet to fully control his gifts and is scared of hurting someone unintentionally.

   He killed one of his favorite servants when he was five years old while he was playing with him. So he made a rule: Nobody is allowed to touch me unless I’m unconscious or we are in dire straits. This has been his one unspoken rule until now.” Earnest replied.

  “No wonder he flinched when we tried to proceed with the sacred ritual.” Linda nodded in understanding.

  “Is that why when we hug him he always lights up in astonishment?” Kimber asked. I nodded for approval as I laid his head on my lap to rest. “No fair! Mother is totally unfair…I want to lay him on my lap.” Belle complained.

  I chuckled as I rustled her long, soft, curly blonde locks. “You’ll have more time to spoil your baby brother in the future. It’s my turn now. I always care for you guys when you are sick. Let me handle him for now.” I coaxed her.

  “Honey, you can’t hog him later on. We’ll bend the knee this time, but next time it’ll be a brawl.” Nicolas joked. I puffed my cheeks in triumph.

  “Mia, bring me a blanket.” I yawned. It has certainly been exhausting trip. The only good thing that’s happened is Skylar coming back with us along with his new pledges. Hopefully, he will accept them. Well, then again he has little to no choice in this matter. Once a pledge finds someone they wish to serve they won’t look any further. It’s like a stubborn decision that us Royals must make. And from the looks of these four I can tell that they won’t leave even if the earth ceases to exist. Even now they are hovering over Skylar watching in reverence. In their eyes he is their God.

   “Don’t worry. It’s just that the medicine we administered hasn’t completely run it’s coarse yet. Young Master forcefully suppressed it down until now and has completely drained his powers for now.” Kristen explained.

  “Hmm, so it was you who gave him that drug. We’ll forgive you for now, seeing that you were only helping suppress his anxiety. But in the future there will no longer be a need as the four of us can help him with this.” Sarah arrogantly spoke.

  The other three nodded in agreement as their eyes went back to looking at Skylar’s peerless face. He was truly a beautiful child. His black raven hair was silky to the touch. His skin was smooth and clear. His lips were a bright red almost as red as an apple and under his right eye he had a small mole. He’d also inherited his father’s icy blue eyes.

   We had created four gorgeous children. Three of them has already been crowned as the most peerless beauties in the Vampiric Clan. Now with Skylar it shall now be four peerless beauties.

  “We really did make the right decision in coming to the States. Our Master is so powerful and beautiful. I can’t wait to become his Chevalier. Do you think he will accept us?” Linda nervously asked the other three. They didn’t reply for a while and looked at me for support.

  “I know that you all really care for Skylar, but he must decide for himself. Even if he rejects you, I feel that you wouldn’t leave even if the Earth were to cease to exist. He is just afraid of harming you, there is no hate. He is a gentle child after all. Did you inform your parents of this yet?” I asked.

  “Humph, of course we did. We’re not amateurs. They have all consented to our decisions and wish to meet our chosen Master. They are all very excited you know. It’s just that we didn’t say that he refused us on several occasions.” Kalvin instantly deflated.

  The other three were the same. “Did you also tell them that you four chose the same Master? How did they respond to this?” I asked. They brightened up once again with sparkling eyes.
“You see, we had already said that we would all follow the same Master. We grew up together and work better together as a team so the school let us four travel together as a group to choose one Master. We heard of there being many fine Royals in the States, but we were skeptical.” Sarah laughed.

  “That is until we heard this beautiful voice. It was the most beautiful thing we had ever heard in our lives. He was on the balcony at the mansion singing. He may have been smiling, however, we heard sadness in his voice. His figure was so lonely.” Todd sighed.

  “Even the servants were listening to his song, but when he finished nobody gave him words of encouragement or stayed by his side when he was lonely. They just left him there looking out the window with eyes that were blank.” Linda glared at the others. The servants kept their eyes low in fear of being singled out.

  “I remember when we first communicated he coldly told us to leave. It was like he was in a world of ice and he was the Ice King. He was so noble and cool. It only made us want to follow him even more. He was so cold to us but when it was time for his birthday he sang with his whole being. He was gentle like an angel.” Kalvin kneeled on the ground and gently patted Skylar’s head.

  Skylar gently started to hum a tune that even I never heard of before. Kristen started to quickly record them as the melody flowed. We all looked at her in wonderment. “The Young Master is constantly creating music, so when he is in his resting period he often asks one of us to record the melody for him so he doesn’t forget. He’ll begin singing in a moment. We’re pretty lucky this time.” Earnest whispered.

Ancient snow of the winter wonder land
Cast a spell of thunderous sin
The sin cried out the tides drew out
The time of peace has yet to come
We who fear shall ban together again
He will frost over the tedious land
Those who fear shall obey
While the wicked cease to exist”

  Skylar sang powerfully as he laid upon my lap. We thought he would awaken after ,but he still slept peacefully. “Is he done?” asked Kimber.

  “Yes he is done now. The next rest period should be in the next four to five months. He rarely sleeps because of the fact that he says that there is no point. After this episode he won’t need to rest again for a while.” Kristen smiled as she gave the song book to the four children. “These are all the songs that he has ever wrote. Keep them safe.”


Don't forget to vote and comment. Also, please don't forget to help me name the titles of the poems I put in this book. Thanks!!!

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