Delayed Mission

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Last Update for this weekend....I have my reasons... read till the bottom for my explanation!!!!

P.s: Aurora- Runaway!!!

~Kimber POV~


Location- Southeast Asia

Capital: Phnom Penh

  You’ve heard right. Even on our private jet, it took 72 fucking hours just to make it to this damned place! Kimber had better find herself a whole heap of fucking Chevaliers… the only upside to this whole adventure is the beautiful sites.

   Everything is pretty busy on the streets but could you blame them? This place is like a utopia. There were circular shaped buildings, along with skyscrapers that practically flowed around the entire city like an orb. Some parts were even surrounded by strips of water.

  “Our hotel suite is ready and paid in full. All we have to do is go check in by nine-thirty.” Skylar chirped happily. He was affected by jetlag and was excitedly roaming different areas of the city. Well, let the kid play, we did have a whole two hours free time until our check in time at the hotel.

  “What hotel are we staying in exactly?” Ty lazily yawned.

  “It’s called ‘The Pavilion’. Have you heard of it before?” Skylar asked.

  “Isn’t that the one that is like never available for bookings? I heard that you’d be on a waiting list for years before you could even sleep in their beds rather than even see it.” Kimber exclaimed.

  “Ah? Is that so? One of my birthday guest always invites me to his country to preform exclusively for him and a few of his friends. I just got off the phone with him and he had already had the place booked.” Skylar explained.

  “Looks like we get to hear you perform again.” Kalvin laughed. The other three nodded in excitement.

  “Who was this birthday guest?” Father asked.

  “Boran Bopha. He comes nearly every year.” Skylar replied.

~Skylar POV~

  I felt something strange in the air. My family seemed to catch on as well as they all stopped what they were currently doing and froze like statues. There was a sweet scent roaming the air. It smelled like cotton candy and blueberries, my favorite scents. It was cold but in a refreshing way. One usually felt this when your destined familiar is close by.

  A familiar is kind of like Chevaliers except that they are destined to protect you rather than how the Chevaliers get to choose whom they serve. They all have their own unique smells and some never get to meet their destined familiars for they are extremely rare. Our father and mother both found their familiars when they were young kids. Father was ten when he met Rouge, his Silver-Tongued Silky. Mother met Teagan, her Persian-Black Tiger, when she and her parents moved around in the Netherlands. They rarely show their familiars as they usually hide within their shadows, however they can communicate telepathically through their master-servant bond.

  I see that Ty, Kimber, Bella, and my Chevaliers have the same similar thoughts as I did. We all nod in agreement as we scattered in the direction of our individual familiars. Our parents stayed behind to check into our suite.

  I am able to navigate through the busy city just fine as I send vibrations through the air. It’s almost like how dolphin’s communicate except I make noise by humming instead of those loud cackling sounds they emulate. This helps to bounce the sound off of objects and helps me to know where everything is so that I can swiftly move along the crowd without bumping into things. The only down side is that this can draw quite a bit of attention from people. Sigh. Like right now…

  I’m currently on top of some kind of high rise building. Why? Well, the answer to that is that this is where the scent is the strongest. However, I sense no familiar within or atop of the building.

  “I know you are there. Come out.” I commanded. He was here, hiding within the shadows. He still refused to comply.

  “Refusal, huh? Fine then.” I walk into the middle of the roof as I center myself. I extend my left hand as I start to bend the shadows to my will. I reached into the black mists and roughly pulled the little bugger out. “The next time I tell you to come and you refuse me…I will shatter all of you bones. Is that clear?” I sweetly stated with a grin. It visibly shivered, sadly I couldn’t see it but I did feel it. I held out my hand to it and it readily lay at my feet. I bent down and rubbed my fingers through it’s soft, sleek fur.

  As I examined his body I noticed that he had two regular eyes but in the middle lied a third eye. He had three horns atop of his head that were long like a deer’s antler. It’s body was huge with flexible muscles. It had three tails and two ears neatly atop of his head. He was a powerful creature that stood seven inches tall and weighed a massive 89 kilos. I inspected his mouth and noticed he had a split tongue like a snakes. It was smooth to the touch. His canines were very sharp and long. If he had met any enemies they would be long dead if they were caught by his teeth.

  His breath smelled just like cotton candy while his body was like blueberries. In a swift motion I but my wrist using his fangs. He seemed a little shocked as I was starting to bonding ritual so suddenly. “What? You thought I would reject you? That’s stupid.” I laughed. I wasn’t just rubbing his body for the sake of it. I did know about familiars. They were categorized in six groups. Weakest to strongest:

1. Fire attributes- they have fierce tempers. Usually only have one tail and are small. But they are still deadly.
2. Water attributes- they are calm. Usually are found within huge bodies of water. Can have a series of tails.
3. Snow attributes- they are tricky pranksters. They love anything fun and are hard to manage. Some are tail-less.
4. Wind attributes- they are very rational. They like to scope and watch their enemies before brashly going into danger. They can have wings or tails.
5. Light attributes- they are peace-loving. They like to help those in need and heal injuries if possible. But they are also very naïve to danger which is also why there are so few of them. They only have wings.
6. Dark attributes- they are quiet and noble. They enjoy hiding within the shadows in solitude. The number of tails are unknown and very few have wings. They are also very possessive of their master’s.


“Drink.” I ordered. He hesitated before slowly lapping up my blood. “Drink your fill. You hurt a piece of your soul a few years ago. That’s why you couldn’t take on your humanoid form and also why you refused to come to me.” He flinched and went back to drinking my blood.

This is different from the Chevalier bonding. In this bonding I am supposed to feed my familiar my lifeblood. Lifeblood does not mean that I would only have a limited time after losing some of it, however this may happen if not careful. It just means that if someone drinks it they are stuck with you for life. This bond is more powerful that the Chevalier bonding.

I took my wrist back from his mouth as he slowly transformed back to his humanoid form. He stood in front of me at six feet tall. I was slowly swaying as darkness was taking over my mind. Healing his soul fragments made the bonding process even tougher on the master. I could heal him, however, this meant that my hibernation period, which wasn’t set until another few months, would come now. I will have to sleep for a week. Before I fell unconscious, I mind linked the location to him to take me back to the hotel.


Okay, so I'm going out of town this weekend and I highly don't that I will be doing any updates soon. So, with that said I'll see you guys next week!! Bye- bye!!!

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