Not So Secret Relationship

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After the date you and Becky go back to your room...where nothing happens because both of you are WAY too tired. This part begins with a certain fiery red head shaking you awake.

Becky: Oi lad wake up i got something to show ya

Y/n: Groggy What is it beautiful?

Becky: Well I know word travels fast but fook me I did not expect this.

She shows you a post and your eyes get as wide as dinner plates

WWESUPERFAN1010: OMG @king_of_the_indies @beckylynchwwe DO EITHER OF YOU WANNA EXPLAIN THISSSS???!!!???

It was a picture on Instagram from the diner parking lot of you two kissing...she was right, thing really do not stay secret long in this type of business. Its almost to be expected, still it would have been nice to be more comfortable dating Becky before everything got out. Oh well, better to ride the wave than let it crash on you

Y/n: What do you think about it?

Becky: I don't care too much just wish it was in like a month or so, than again nobody can keep a secret in that locker room so i would expect this to blow up sooner rather than later.

Y/n: True true...You thinking what i'm thinking?

You and Becky: Meme it

You and your new Irish girlfriend decide to have some fun with it. Maybe even make this girl's day. You two both comment on the post...

@Beckylynchwwe: Ya see lass, when a mommy bee and a daddy bee love each other very much...

@King_of_the_indies: Shhhhhhhhhhh can't you see we are busy?

You two just opened a flood gate. The 10000000 comments about ships and you were both pretty sure you two caused the poor girl to have a heart attack considering you both responded to the post confirming the pretty obvious. Now all that is left to do is laugh at your handiwork and enjoy the fireworks

Y/n: So my beautiful lass, breakfast?

Becky: Why of course lad i would be honored to join you

You whipped up two quick omelettes and made some coffee, no traveling or wrestling today so you two decided to lounge around in your pajamas, Becky borrowed some last night...and will probably never return them. You two were sitting on the couch drinking your coffees when your phone started to buzz so much you would think it was about to explode.

You have been added to "Brothas" by your contact "Lunatic"

Oh boy here we go

D= Dean S=Seth R=Roman Y=You

D- Ahhhhh there is the man of the hour. You sly fuckin dog

S- First off, welcome to the SHIELD group chat. Second, I never expected you to be a ladies man, good shit bro

Y- Word travels faster than i thought lmao

R- Well it helps when you troll the fans too lol, you guys aren't only not secret you are VIRAL

S- Yea all my twitter feed contains is just that pic with #TheKingandTheMan

Jon Moxley has shared a link (if you get that name you are a real one) 

D- Check it brotha, welcome to the big time. Bye bye to privacy.

The link Dean shared was to the trending hashtags on twitter and Instagram ans surely enough, #TheKingandTheMan was trending world wide. 

Y- Damn, why do people care so much? It's just a relationship lol

D- Well, WWE paints this picture of woman wrestlers as the unobtainable goddesses that have no reason gracing our eyes. They make it seem like these girls (who are normally really nice, down to earth woman) are way out of the reach of mere mortals. So when one gets in a relationship its like everyone's reality is shattered as everything they know is turned on its ass.

Everyone but dean- ...

D- What? I have may be a lunatic but i'm not completely dumb...assholes

S- Well, that happened. Anyways i'm sure you got a hot Irish date waiting for you to get your ass off your phone so i will leave you too it. Congratz bro, see you in the next city.

R- Yea i'm proud of you, go get em tiger

D- Gratz brotha, treat her well

Y- Thanks brothas, catch ya in the next city

You lock your phone to see that a certain female has been spying on your texts as you sent them and has an innocent smile on her face.

Becky: Soo...we are trending huh lad?

Y/n: Yea and honestly i'm all for it. How about you?

Becky: Well i am surely used to all the attention but this is a different kind of attention and i wanna see where it goes yea?

Y/n: Could not have said it better myself, now onto bigger matters...what do you wanna watch?

Becky: Ooo ooo horror movie horror movie

You chuckle at her normally hard demeanor fading to something childish. You throw a blanket around the two of you and put your arm around her, pulling her close. It feels nice to  have found this connection with her, you shoot her a warm smile as she nuzzles into your chest while you open Netflix.

Y/n: Horror it is then

As you two cuddle and watch horror movies you realize the WWE will probably try to capitalize on the hype behind your relationship and honestly...why not? You feel ready for anything the world throws at you.

This is just the beginning

The Fourth Head Of The Cerberus (Male! Reader x Becky Lynch) (COMPLETED)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu