Wrestlemania- One Last Ride (Finale part 1)

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It was a quiet evening as our heros prepared for today where you would return to (Your City) to defend your tag titles at THE Wrestlemania. Well, it was quiet until...


Seth: Y/n calm down he has his reasons

Roman: It really might be whats best for him

Y/n: Don't you asshats see? He had this planned for months and he let us all believe that we were gonna stand tall at mania with gold. Now I have to drop the tag titles and we will permanently be down a man. Vince is a spiteful man he will NOT let him back in this company

Of course you were talking about Dean and his "sudden" decision to jump ship to AEW and leave the SHIELD, destroying it and we lose the tag titles. You would not have minded if he told anyone when he made the decision 3 months ago. It came out in a public statement yesterday where Dean used twitter for like the second time ever and told everyone he would leave after mania. So instead of keeping the titles and we all win, we lose, roman loses and Seth gets attacked in the main event and we save him and he wins the title. Its all a mess

 ...oh yea and Becky is here too

Becky: Babe i know you are upset but its his decision and he has the right to choose.

Y/n: I know but still, i wish he would have told us

???- I did not tell anyone because I knew you would talk me out of it

As if on que a certain shaggy haired blonde walks into the room, looking visibly shaken

Dean- Listen, I have not that much of a family my whole life, whore mom and a non-existent dad growing up in a ghetto life was rough, I decided it was best to keep to myself and bottle it all up. I thought that wrestling would be my outlet, my way of letting my demons go and clearing my head and it worked. I gave everything i had to wrestling and left my "family" behind. For fucks sake i got my head cut open with a power saw. Everything changed though when i got to FCW and met a certain man with half blonde hair and a large Samoan in a meeting with Hunter. He said they would be my teammates for the foreseeable future after i get out of rehab. Any other promotion would have dumped me after a wellness violation but not WWE. They saw something i did NOT know i had and even gave me a chance when I got out. After the SHIELD debut I felt something ive NEVER felt before..I felt welcomed. Looks at you You know i was skeptical about you joining us but now I can say with confidence that you are one crazy motha fucka and i respect the hell outta you. You and Becky fit seamlessly into our little clique and i am so glad i met you two. I went on that rant about my horrible sobby childhood but i realized something...i eventually got my family, they are right in front of me and they are THE BEST DAMN FAMILY I COULD EVER ASK FOR

You were all speechless until you embraced Dean, followed by the rest. You looked back at how Dean was mistreated by the company and even so he kept with it for the fans...for us. I didn't matter he was leaving, you were brothers and would stay brothers for the rest of time. 

With that you all put your fists in and went to the rental

This was it...One Last Ride...Next stop, WRESTLEMANIA

One more part after this. Its bitter sweet, I love all the feedback and support this story got but all good things must come to an end. Please keep with the feedback as it drives me to improve. I love you all

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