Dinner? (Mercy X Fem! Reader)

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You had been in Overwatch for a while now. All the members were so nice and accepting of you as a new member. But one person seemed a lot more distant than the others, which the others always mentioned to be the nicest of them all. Angela, or her code name; Mercy.

You'd of course tried to talk to her many times but she seemed disinterested and almost annoyed which made you feel really bad, what could you be doing wrong to make the nicest person in Overwatch dislike you? Plus you had developed slight feelings for her, which obviously made things worse. You'd been talking to Genji at one point about your issues because he always was a good listener and gave good advice, I guess Zenyatta must've taught him well.

"At this point I don't know what to do anymore, should I stop trying to become friends with her or perusing that.?" You say looking down, Genji puts his robotic hand onto your shoulder and then pulls you in for a hug.

"I'm sure you did nothing wrong and she will warm up to you, but I've never really seen her act like this." He says reassuringly. You let go and so does he, you give him a nod. "I'm gonna go try one more time, if this doesn't work nothing will.." You can tell he's smiling through his mask and he gives you a thumbs up.

You walk away from the main kitchen area you and him were conversing  in and walk into her office, she's sitting there staring at her computer, she really looks tired. "Hi." You say warmly looking at her.

A cold glare fills her face, she responds slowly with. "Are you hurt?"

"Well yeah, but not in a way you'd care.." You say trying to gain her full attention

"Why wouldn't I care-!?" She retorts harshly, your eyes widen as she gets up from her desk and nears you. She's got oddly emotional over that remark. "Well you never really acted like you would, so I just assumed." You look down at the floor slightly defeated. Turning around and about to leave you feel someone grab your arm and pull you back, it's her.

Staring at you deeply the silence in the room becomes significantly more intense than it was before. Her face moves closer to yours and yourself heating up. She kisses you softly and it drives you wild, why is she doing this now? You of course kiss back and feel her tongue press against your lips, begging for entrance, you part your lips slightly and feel her tongue exploring your mouth and pressing onto yours making you moan softly. She hugs onto you and her hand tracing up your stomach, until you hear the door of her office slide open.

"Hey (Y/N), how's it goin-" It's Genji, he's just checking up on you. He looks too his right and witnesses the two of you.. 'embracing' each other. His visor is off and you see his eyes widen.

"Oh- I guess I'll let you to get back to that." He says, you can see him wink and point finger guns at you. Angela looks at you and pulls away. "What was all that for? I thought you hated me or something.." You say as she caresses your cheek. "Why would I ever hate you (Y/N)? I just assumed you were with Genji so I kept myself distant to not interfere with you two." She says almost shyly as her face turns a slight pink.

"Oh really? me and him are only friends, we're just really close and I would always tell him about you and how I really wanted to be friends but you've just been blowing me off.. and I really like you so it hurt.." You say, your eyes shifting down and our head hanging low, she pulls your chin up and she looks you in the eye and slowly kisses you, your face turning red. She pulls away and stated at you.

"Well now that I know that, I can now take you out and maybe even me.. my girlfriend." She says holding your hand.

"Would you wanna go to dinner with me?" She says looking away, almost as if she is shy.

"Of course."

(A/N): I'm back finally. I hope you enjoyed the story and I apologize for my absence. But please do leave your suggests in the comments, I'm always open to requests)

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