Chapter 4

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Yuzuki: Ah, it's Tsubasa-san.

Tsubasa: Everyone, hello. You're heading out now?

Haruhi: Yeah! We trained a lot today, so we're going out to eat as a reward!

Akane: Does Tsubasa-chan have business with someone?

Tsubasa: Yes, I came to deliver some documents for THRIVE's job.

Miroku: Huh, Kaneshiro-san and the others were......

Akane: They were at the lesson studio. They looked like they were practicing for something.

Tsubasa: Eh, is that so?
Today was their day off though......

Tsubasa: Hello—

Yuta: I think it'd be good to say that line even stronger. Because it's a scene where it feels hopeless.

Kento: I see. Then I'll try it once more.

Tsubasa: Ah, this is......

Yuta: We start with Gochin's line!
Here we go! Okay...... Action!

Goshi: Enough already, just give up. Don't you get that you're just making her upset?

Kento: If that's true, then I'll stop. But the only one who can tell me to stop is her.
Please, let me see her! I want to hear her say it herself!

Yuta: –Cut!
Yeah yeah, that was a lot better! Let's do the next scene like this too!

Kento: Okay.

Tsubasa: Kaneshiro-san and Yuta-kun are helping Aizome-san practice for the drama.
Everyone seems to be really focused, so I'll give them the documents tomorrow......


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