Car dates

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It was 3pm on a Saturday afternoon. You and ruel were bundled up on the couch. Saying this week has been hard would be an understatement.

Basically your entire school has a crush on ruel as he is a famous singer. Earlier this week, they found out that you were his girlfriend. All week, you had girls come up to you to try and be your friend or to tell you that you weren't good enough.

You and ruel had been together for almost a year but only decided to go public earlier this week.
You lay on ruels chest and listened to his heartbeat. You close your eyes and a tear accidentally escapes. You try to wipe it away before ruel notices it.

Unfortunately you didn't wipe it away fast enough and ruel noticed.
"Hey hey hey, what's wrong" he says stumbling over his words. You look up to him and see his furrowed eyebrows and concerned face.

You stare at him with teary eyes before letting more tears fall. You hug him tightly and rest your head in the crook of his neck.

"Baby, you have to tell me what's wrong so I can fix it" He says stroking you hair before kissing your head.

"Girls at school are just being the worst and won't leave me alone because now instead of me being me it's me being a superstars girlfriend." You day sitting on his lap.

"Oh love, they are just being jealous because I chose you and not them. You are my perfect, beautiful baby. I had a date planned for tonight but if your too upset we don't have to go" he says before leaning in to kiss you.

You kiss him back and rest your temple on his.
"No, I'm not going to let them get to me anymore than they already have. Let's go" You say getting up of his lap and putting on your jacket.

He smiles and got up to follow you, opening the front door for you and leading you down the driveway. You both got into the car as you turned the radio on quietly.

You sit in comfortable silence as you hum the music under your breath. You don't know where he's taking you, but it doesn't matter, as long as he's by your side.

He's driving along, his jaw tightens as he looks at the road. He puts his blinker on And turns into the beach. You drive along until you find a nice spot to reverse our car into.

You get out, thinking you were going on a walk but he stops you.
"Where do you think you're going?" He says as he opens the boot for you too see heaps of pillows and blankets and food.

"Oh thank god, I thought we were going to have to do exercise" you say teasing him as he gets into the back of the car. He pats the spot next to him and gestures for you to hop in.

You climb into the car next to him to face the ocean. You lean into him as you both watch the waves crash against each other. Our comfortable silence continues.

"You know," I start looking up at him.
"When I was younger, I was so scared of the ocean. I was scared of an open body of water having control over everything including my own breath. It was terrifying he bow something so beautiful could have so many dark secrets and could be so dangerous. Then one day I leaned to float, and something that was so big and dangerous in my mind turned out to be my friend. I think my mind has a way of manipulating itself into being scared of things I shouldn't be. It's like the anticipation is worse than the actual fear. The only way I can think of it, is like a roller coaster. On the way up it's absolutely terrifying because all you can think about is the fall, but then after you fell, you want to do it all over again. I think that's why I was scared to go public. I was scared what people of would think of us or really just think of me. I was scared that I would ruin your career just for loving you. But now we are here, even though somethings suck, I wouldn't trade it for the world and I would do it all over again if it meant I get to feel the way I do now. I love you. So much." I say looking into his emerald eyes.

"My beautiful girl," he almost whispers looking down at me.
"I love you more than you could ever imagine. You are so brave. So, so brave. I wouldn't trade this for the world. Thankyou for being mine" he leaned down to kiss you. You crawl over to close the doer to the car as it was getting cold and then lie back down next to him. You fall asleep in each others arms.

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