Chapter 3

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Tsubasa: Akane-kun's mic sound has disappeared...... Could this be mic trouble!?
What should I do, his part is going to come around—

Miroku: ~~♪

Tsubasa: ......Eh?
Miroku-kun has moved forward from his place and is exciting the crowd?

Yuduki: ............

Akane: ......!

Tsubasa: Ah, Yuduki-kun gave his mic to Akane-kun...... Yuduki-kun is using a mic with Haruhi-kun.
I see! Miroku-kun drew the crowd's attention so that they could do this exchange.
The exchange was so natural that even only some of the staff noticed there was trouble.
Amazing, they're not used to doing live broadcasts, but they were able to follow up with each other through eye contact......


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