Chapter 5

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Tsubasa: Everyone, you worked very hard today for Music Party!
Even though you had little experience with live broadcasts, you were very calm on stage and looked like veterans.

Akane: Ehehe, is that so?

Tsubasa: Also, the staff were smiling constantly after the recording...... I was impressed by everyone's mature reactions.
This must be the result from your ascetic training.

Akane: Eh?

Yuduki: Ascetic training results......?

Tsubasa: Yes, I felt like your reactions was something that came from your discipline.

Miroku: When you say it like that......
Akane's reaction on stage was very respectable.

Haruhi: I told you, it's Tono! You were the first to act!

Yuduki: I think Haru was amazing for being calm. You understood when I suddenly went to you.

Akane: I've said this so many times, Yucchi passing me his mic was what saved me!

Tsubasa: Fufu.

Yuduki: Tsubasa-san, why are you laughing?

Tsubasa: Everyone, I was just thinking that everyone is only thinking about the others rather than themselves.
Praising each other means that everyone was matured.

Yuduki: Ah, I see.

Haruhi: Tsubasa, you're so clever!!

Akane: It's true, I think we wouldn't have been able to do such a smooth follow up during the live broadcast before.

Haruhi: We probably would've been nervous and irritated and got angry at the staff.

Miroku: We've grown from the ascetic training without even realizing it.

Akane: Yeah, what we did up until now wasn't meaningless at all.

Haruhi: Then, we should be able to express love better than before! Why don't we give it a go at BPRO's one man live?

Yuduki: That's, what should we......

Miroku: I think we've grown since last time, but I'm doubting if it's enough.

Haruhi: ......Like I thought?

Miroku: What, you already realized it.

Haruhi: That's because during the ascetic training, I felt like it was too strict on my inexperience!

Akane: That's true...... I think that we still don't have the capability to perfectly express love.
But, we can do the hard work for it, so let's keep going at it.

Yuduki: Yeah. I feel a little more capable, so I want to be able to express love.

Miroku: The way we are now isn't enough.

Haruhi: Alright! I'm going to do my best on ascetic training and lessons!

Akane: Let's rush in like the reckless people we are!

Tsubasa: Everyone's hard work has raised their confidence and now they've decided to head towards expressing love.
I'm looking forward to seeing KiLLER KiNG's growth from now on......!


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