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By popular demand....

Yes, I've decided to write a sequel!

The reception that I received upon completion of this book was so spectacular that I couldn't bear to leave the little world and characters that I've created to rest, so I've decided that (by popular demand) there will be a sequel!

As to what it's going to be about, I'm not entirely sure. However I've already got a few of the details, plots et cetera figured out, these being:

The new book is called 'Obsidian'

+ It will focus around 4/5 of the children that I introduced in the epilogue of this book; Scorpius, Tobias, Cecelia and Orion. I may at some point between now and when I upload the first chapter (which I've already begun work on and is a Scorpius chapter) decide to add in another character to the fold.

+ Although Juliet and Draco won't be the central characters, they will make a few appearances.

+ It will pick off where the epilogue of this book left off (or rather a day or two before, but close enough).

+ Yes before you all ask, I can barely contain my excitement at the thought that it will contain the Triwizard Tournament.

Other than that, I've not really got much of a direction so far, however I work best when I just start to write and see where I end up (that's how I wrote the majority of the Lazuli trilogy after all - ssh, it's a secret!)

I've also already made the cover. I'm particularly proud of it; I make all of my own covers and I'm no graphics whizz, but I think this one turned out quite well, so I'll attach it to this post and then you can let me know what you think!

Thanks again for your patience; I can't wait for you all to see Obsidian!

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