Zodiac Sign Rulers

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Okay, so each Zodiac sign is ruled by one of the planets, which plays a somewhat big role in determining their personality.

Aquarius- Uranus & Saturn

Pisces- Neptune & Jupiter

Aries- Mars

Taurus- Venus

Gemini- Mercury

Cancer- Moon    -YASSS!!!!!!!!!-

Leo- Sun     -....The complete opposite of me XD -

Virgo- Mercury

Libra- Venus

Scorpio- Pluto & Mars

Sagittarius- Jupiter

Capricorn- Saturn

                                           Let me know in the comments what your ruler is!

                             I just realized that my Zodiac is the only one with the Moon as their ruler.

                                                    Well I hope you enjoyed this chapter!


                                                                        ~Kaylee <3

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