Out of the Lab

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Jon was unstrapped from the table for the first time since he'd awoken in the godforsaken laboratory.
They made him put on a pair of worn blue jeans and a white t-shirt in place of his ragged patient gown.
He was also given another source of confinement with tightly bound handcuffs behind his back.
He was made to stand with two soldiers at his side.
Jon was sure they were there to keep him from escaping, he got that from how closely they monitored him.
It would've been smart,except it wasn't needed.
Jon found no point in running now. What he wanted to run from was already done. He found that nothing else in life could be worse than what he'd experienced on that table.

He was then forcefully guided by the two soldiers, who followed the doctor outside and into an elevator in the hall.

They yanked him along by the chains of his handcuffs, as if he could run away.
Jon knew he couldn't. He wasn't too stupid not to realise they'd planted a tracking device in his arm at the very beginning.
It was a small metallic sphere placed just under the muscles.

Jon wanted to shiver at the memory of watching as his skin was cut open for that, but immediately shook the memory away.

Soon the elevator stopped on the third floor and the doors slid open to reveal two men. Jon recognized one of them as the man that asked him for a light just before he was knocked unconcious.

They backed up as he was brought out of the elevator. The doctor addressed the shorter Paul and the taller, Patryk thusly and immediately went on to explain his success.
"I have succeeded with experiment 0.1," he announced.

"Why is this kid all chained up Roderick? Jesus, what is he, a prisoner of war?" Paul asked with a cocked brow.
"He is not to escape correct?"
The doctor spoke, smiling proudly at his creation.
"He's got a tracker armored with poison, and self destruct systems if he were to escape. I promise you I won't hesitate, it won't even give him time to regenerate."

Jon stepped forward, "do you promise?"

Patryk leaned over to Paul, "shit, this guy's hardcore, I think they fucked him up."

Paul only glared at Roderick, "you've done what was asked of you, get the hell out of my sight until further notice."
The soldiers grabbed either side of Jon's arms.
Paul stopped them, "the kid stays with us."
Roderick looked shocked, "but sir-"
"I don't give a shit, leave, and get those damn handcuffs off him."
Paul interjected demandingly.

The soldiers automatically unlocked Jon's restraints, leaving him to stare at them in awe.

Patryk hummed, "aww, I love it when you get all alpha!~"

"Stop it."

After both the doctor and two soldiers left in the elevator Jon was pulled to the side.
"You hurt anywhere, kid?"

Patryk brought a hand to Jon's chin and moved his head around, "I don't see any cuts..."

"I can heal. They're not visible anymore," Jon stated blatantly as he took a step back. "Why am I here?"

Paul glanced to Patryk who stepped forward, "welp, you have a meeting with the one and only Red Leader.....who might kill you, but that's not for sure."

Jon shrugged in response.

Paul an Patryk lead the ex-patient down the hall.

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