My Eye Doctor Visit

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This is the most horrifying thing I've ever went through, especially since my mom wasn't around during it dksbd
These are copied from things I sent in amino but edited to be less vague

This was my first one so obviously I was being a bitchy baby about it

So uh
I fainted B)
They where doing the thing with the big weird big microscope and the doctor kept saying "look at the tab" or whatever I was too busy during to figure out where to look and she kept saying "look up/right/left/down" and pulled my skin down so she could see my whole eye, and every time I moved my eyes or blinked as she asked of me I kept seeing...veins? Nothing but an orange background and red pulsating veins.

I took off my cat ears even though whenever I'm away from home and not feeling the pain/coldn feeling of wearing cat ears for too long gives me anxiety and I was OBVIOUSLY very nervous because I was like "where do I look??"
I kept jerking away when she touched under my eye I was just scared
Literally the first thing I asked was "where are my cat ears??" Lmao

I felt like throwing up so they pushed it away and gave me the trash can

And then at some time I fainted.

I saw SO MANY things-
I remember seeing like, a highway at night from a drones view/far away and the cars where all sped up so it just looked like lights on a lit path? It looked like the chapter 10 image in my civics text book but only it was,,, real? And moving?
I saw the veins again except they where pulsating faster, I saw trees and it was darkly lit, I saw something flashing, I saw the sky, I saw
Random ominous stuff like that?
And there was this loud ringing noise and also the sound of running water and crackling fire

And then I just woke up and I couldn't breathe, I was hyperventilating like crazy because here was this very sharp smell that almost hurt? It smelt like a doctors office but it was super strong and it was apparently medicine
at least thats what they said
I just was so scared I forgot I was at the eye doctors and I just freaked the FUCK OUT cause theres these two random ladies who are worried for my safety and I'm over there hyperventilating and squirming like a rabbit does when you hold it

So I got a cup of water and my mom came in and then after like seven minutes I got up and got to choose my glasses which honestly I'm not going to be wearing willingly

And then we got McDonalds so it was so okay

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