*kicks metal chair over*

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Call me a mood all you want even though I'm still not a big fan of it
This was yesterday at Sherrys house cause Easter
I was already mad because I got 3rd place in the egg spoon race cause Ethan had his arm stretched out and I would've tripped and fell if I tried getting ahead of him so I was willing to get all my frustration out on the pinyata. The small kids destroyed the first one but luckily there was a second one
After my f**king cousin Kiva hit the pinyata for the final blow because she already beat it to the ground, it was cheap, and it was egg shaped so it cracked open in the middle and she got to have all the candy because of last year a rule was made that you get all the candy that falls out when you hit it, which was cheating but technically not
I kicked a metal chair, harshly, out of either frustration because if it wasn't for that final blow I would have gotten a turn because I was right after her or as an attempt to keep myself from clawing her throat and vital organs out
Honestly I'm still p***ed about that

 The small kids destroyed the first one but luckily there was a second one After my f**king cousin Kiva hit the pinyata for the final blow because she already beat it to the ground, it was cheap, and it was egg shaped so it cracked open in the mid...

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Bad picture yeah yeah whatever I don't care
Don't mind my pale a*s skin, mind the dark purple (it's darker irl) big bruise on my ankle :')
My other leg looks so tiny width wise holy s**t man??
Chairs will f**k you up if you're not careful guys watch out
I almost kicked the chair a second time before my dad pulled it back because of the force I used the first time dented it a tiny bit
That would've made it even worse so thanks Dad for saving my ankle B)
Frick you Kiva that was very selfish of you for hogging all the candy, I like hitting things too yanno >:vv

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