Psh, So Childish ~ One

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Your maple and green eyes flick around the shop around you, it's a small but sexy shop, you've been recommended to come to this tattoo shop by your brother, Sid. As you look around you start at the bottom, your eyes land on the nice dark cherry wood floors that look super expensive. The shop it pretty busy so you expect these guys to be hella good. Text you check out each wall. On the wall opposite to you there are many portraits and pictures of past works, the works are very realistic and colorful and they all are so interesting, but you continue to look around. Your eyes scanning the wall with a door to the private back rooms there is a bored with a list of names and times, yours being one of them and the time you are supposed to be here, you got here early so the time is 10 minutes away. Also on the wall are pictures of 7 men, names under each one. The first picture is of a beautiful man, you're surprised that he works at a tattoo shop, his face clear from piercings and tattoos. His bottom lip more full then his top, his face pretty long compared to the rest, his brown hair looks so fluffy. You can barely see his brows from the bangs that slightly hide them. Under his picture there is his name
~Kim SeokJin~
He sure is handsome. You move on to the next man. This name has black hair, again with bangs that almost cover his brows. It's so dark you think of your soul. His eyes though are entrancing. Even as a picture you feel as if you could get lost in his onyx eyes for eternity, the void makes you shudder. His picture intimates you. His lips are thinner then the first man's, but still very fitting for his face. His jaw is soft, but still very manly. This man has a dermal next to his right eye, it looks good on him. Under his picture it reads.
~ Min Yoongi~
Very badboy. The next man's hair is parted in the middle, a little wavy which makes him look so cute. The color being a brown-ish orange. His eyes are very bright and light brown almost like a honey color but a little too dark. His nose is a bit lifted but it makes him look very cheerful. He is smiling a bit, enough to tell that his mouth would make a heart if he were to show true happiness by smiling. He seems so happy, you'd like to actually meet him. He has a right brow piercing. Under it reads.
~ Jung Hoseok~
Aw, what a cutie. Again you move on. This name looks almost foreign. His lips are so full and a bit dark. His gray/ black hair is swooshed back. His eyes are hooded and sexy. His face in a small smirk which show off his dimples. The duality is astonishing. Glasses sit nicely on his face, making him more attractive somehow. He has a nose piercing on his left nostril as well as his dimples pierced making his indents bedazzled. His name seems to be.
~ Kim Namjoon~
He looks so smart. Next, a blonde boy with his hair in waves and also parted in the middle. His hooded eyes are cute and sexy, you can already tell that he has the same duality as the man before. His lips are full as well, a bit parted to show his teeth, one being a bit crooked. It is cute though, it makes him unique. His face is a bit long and his jaw is soft but still manly and sexy. He has a hoop piercing in the middle of his bottom lip. His name being.
~ Park Jimin~
You are down to the last two. The next man has light brown hair with light green highlights. His bottom lip thicker then his top, with a snake eyes piercing in the end of his tongue that peeks out a little. He is winking as well, making him seem silly. This man's name is.
~ Kim Taehyung~
How 4D 😊. Last man, he looks almost bunny-like. His duality also striking you. He looks younger then the rest. His doe eyes are so dark and beautiful, you could also get lost in them, but they don't scare you as the other man. They look so innocent, which totally gets ruined when you move down to his mouth. It is open and his tongue is sticking out between his two fingers. (Y'all should know 😝✌️) He seems so immature that it makes you scoff. He has a psychedelic colored piercing in the middle of his tongue. His name is.
~ Jeon Jungkook~
Finally done analyzing each man and looking over the otherwise bare wall, you look at the window to your left. You see a sign blinking saying OPEN. And some black and gold curtains as well as the shop logo backwards as you are inside looking at it. BangTan Tattoo and Piercing. You also see a small arcade game and decided to play for the last 5 minutes. You easily beat the high score on the game named "Gala" your user passing the user names 'OvrWtch69' you scoff as the immaturity and think.
' how childish', or at least you thought you didn't say it out loud. You were startled when a slight hum comes from behind you. A man saying,
" Yeah, well you're welcome to talk to him about it. Your artist will see you now Ms. Alex" you slowly turn around to reveal who you see to be the man Jimin standing behind you with a slight smirk. You nod and follow him behind the door that separated the busy waiting area and the private rooms. He stops at the door marked ' Kookie ' and twists the handle. Beging the door you see 2 men, one getting plastic wrapped around his forearm as the other tells him how to keep his tattoo clean. The man soon leaves the room after handing his artist a tip. The artist puts the money in his draw and looks over to you while finishing his cleaning routine. He half-heartedly smiled at you and welcomed you in. This man was Jeon Jungkook. Park Jimin retreating and closing the door behind him leaving you two alone to discuss what you wanted.

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