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Zaras POV:

i looked around the room and i saw bunks along the walls that were all unmade and i also saw a doorway at the end. i walked towards it and turned the nob to open the door to find a descent sized shower.

i turned on the hot water and got in quickly after stripping the remnents of my clothes off me. the hot water felt so good as it cascaded over my skin and hair. i found a bar of soup and scrubbed myself till my skin was red and raw, i just wanted all of HIM off of me but i still didnt feel clean so i washed myself one more time.

once the water started to go cold i decided it was time to go face the guys again. so i turned off the water and wrapped myself in a large fluffy towel. after i dried myself off i wrapped my hair up in another towel and looked at the clothes Andy had given me.

there was a pair of black boxer shorts and a black t-shirt, they looked super comfy so i slid into them and then looked for a comb for my hair. i opened up a few drawers untill i found a simple grey comb which i yanked through my hair until it was straight.

i walked out of the bathroom barefoot and headed back to the front room to face the guys again.

i padded into the room and they all turned their heads to me Andy asked me "do you feel better?"

"yes thank u..." i said as i stood there awkwardly not sure what i was supposed to do...

"come sit down, you look cold" he said and he took my hand and led me to the couch he was previously sitting on. on the way there i tripped and fell to the ground. they all jumped up and asked if i was ok

"yeah im fine...just super tired is all" i replied to them like it was no big deal but to be honest i was fighting to keep my eyes open at this point.

Andy looked pointedly at me and rolled his eyes as he kneeled down and lifted me up in his arms and carried me bridal style to the couch and sat down so i was on his lap. i felt weird sitting here but he was like a human space heater he was radiating so much heat that i just curled right into his body.

he chuckled and wrapped his arms around me enveloping me in warmth. "alright i know your tired but we need to talk about a few things ok?"

i nodded slowly scared of what was about to come...

"first off we never really all got a chance to introduce ourselves to you soooo.... Im Andy" he said with a smile and then waved his hand to the rest of the band

"hey there. im Ashley" the guy from before said to me from the opposite couch

"....i like your necklace" i told him as i pointed to the silver jewled star hanging on his neck

"thanks" he said with a laugh

i had a feeling Ashley and i would be friends super quick 

"im Jake" another guy said from the TV

"Jinxx" said another in the kitchen

"im CC" the last one said with a smile and wave

"hi everyone....t-t-thank u for h-h-h-helping me" i said as the memories rushed back and a lone tear escaped from the confines of my eyes

Ashley reached across the floor and wiped the tear away with his thumb "hey tears, everythings gunna be ok" he said soothingly "do you wanna talk about what happened? it will make you feel better"

"w-w-well i was at your concert with my s-sister but she wanted t-t-to go home with a friend and i c-c-couldnt find my car so i started walking home and some g-g-guy grabbed me a-a-and...." that was it i just lost it and started bawling like niagra falls

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