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hey guys!!! i hope you all enjoyed the last chapter :D thank you again for reading this and letting me know what you guys think <3


the guys and i walked down the street together. the streets were dark but were also lit by all of the lights from the clubs. there were still dark corners where people standing in tight clusters.

they made me shrink away from them and straight into Jake who looked down at me with confusion

"you aright?" he asked me

"just get nervous sometimes, I've never been here before" i shrugged it off. the only people who knew about my rape were CC and Andy. i haven't even told Ash yet and I'm getting closer to him every day. i was getting closer to all of them.

Jake nodded at me. Andy and CC had heard what happened between Jake and I and they both closed in on both sides of me.

they both smiled down at me and CC bumped into me which made me bump into Andy in turn. before we knew we were all bumping into each other in turn as we walked down the street.

finally we stopped outside a particular club. it was bright with lights and seemed to be a fun place to hang out. i looked up at the sign and saw that it read "The Panther" across the front.

the guys lead me towards the front door. we passed the long line out front and many people threw us looks. we stopped outside a very intimidating man covered in tattoos.

"hey there Andy" the big mad said in a gruff voice "what are you doing here? ever since you boys hit 21 you've been hanging out at the over 21 clubs"

"sorry there Josh, buuuut we're back and we brought a friend!" Andy exclaimed to the man apparently named Josh

"and i bet this friend of yours isn't 21 is she?" Josh asked with a knowing grin at the guys

they all looked down sheepishly but nodded nonetheless at Josh's question

"and you guys don't want to stand in line do you?" he asked again with a grin

they kept their heads down but this time they shook their heads no

Josh grinned and turned to me

"so whats your name sweetie?" he asked

"her name is not available" CC answered before i could answer myself

"sorry there CC, didn't know she was your girl" Josh said as he put his hands up as if surrendering

"shes not my girl Josh, she feels more like another sister" CC said sheepishly

"works for me, anyway go on in and have fun" he told us as he unhooked the rope across the doorway

"thanks Josh!"  Jake said as he led us through the doorway and into the dimly lit club full of people dancing

"wow" i said awed at the sight of the crowded dance floor. i couldn't remember the last time i had let go and just danced

"yuup this is where we always used to hang out" Jinxx said as he led the way to the bar

we followed him with CC and Andy close beside me. we got to the bar and Jinxx ordered 6 Pepsi's. after he ordered he led the way to an empty table in a corner of the club that wasn't very crowded compared to the rest of the place.

we all sat our coats down on the bench and Ash said "Zara, wanna dance?"

"but what about our stuff?" i asked as i looked at the rest of the guys

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