How it all happened

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Serena's POV
I was out with my friends and we had a test the next day so we all went home to study. We I got home my mom greeted me and I went to study. I had my radio on and all of a sudden I hear my brother come in I get worried wen ever he comes home but I kept that to my self. Then, he went to his room and started to play his drums really loudly I knocked on the wall and said. "Sammy can you please turn that down?" So he turned it down for 5 minutes wen he yelled. "Go study somewhere else white trash!" I stared to cry wen he yelled again. "And your not wanted here idiot!"  I felt so insulted I ran downstairs and put my green coat on and ran out the door and out of the city and into an dark ally way. I knew that all he said wasn't true but I got so upset then it stared to rain harder it felt like aside but I did not want to go home I just hope Darien finds me so I can fell wanted again. 

Susan's POV
I heard the door open and slam close I thought  that Sammy went for a walk so I shrugged it off but I didn't see Serena so I went to check in her room. "Serena are you in there?" I opened her door and she wasn't there but I did find a note.
Dear Mom,
Sammy was insulting me so I went out for a wile to cool off. But I don't want to come home I think he hates me so can you tell Darien and the girls about what happed and wen they find me could I stay at Darien's? Don't forget to blame this all on Sammy and also tell Dad the same thing about me running away from home because of Sammy I would apricate that.
I nodded after I read it and found Tomas in the in the living room. "Tom? Serena is missing....and it's because of Sammy....and wen she comes back I'm allowing her to stay with Darien but she want's Darien and the girls to find her." Tomas ran to me and hugged me and said. "We'll let Darien and the girls to find her could you let them know?" I nodded and I ran to the phone to call her friends.

No ones POV
Wen Susan go to the phone she called Rayi. At the Hekawa shrine Ray and the girls were studying wen the phone rang. "Hello Henio residents whos calling?"  "Hey Rayi it's Serena's mom I need help could you put me on speaker if the others are there?" Susan asked Rayi she put the phone on speaker. "Hey everyone I need help Serena is missing!" Everyone gasped including Luna. " How can we help Mrs. Tsukino?"  "Can you guys look for her with Darien?" Everyone nodded at each other and Amy said. "Of course we can let us contact him."  "Ok thanks" Susan said before hanging up the girls knew that they had to find their leader.

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