Who caused this

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Somewhere in a specific mirror was Nihalania she was back in the mirror since her last a counter with the sailor scouts. But not for long she was waiting for her sister Snow Koguya she was trying to find there sister's daughter. 
Back in Judan Darien was in his apartment wen his phone went off. "Hello? who am I speaking to?"  "Hey Darien it's me Rayi I have bad news....Serena is missing can you please help us find her?" Darien was tearing up because his bunny was gone but he said. "Ok I'll help you."  "Good meet me and the girls at the arcade tomorrow ok?" Rayi asked and he answered. "Ok see you than."
Back in the ally was Serena Crying waiting for her Darien but above her was Snow Koguya. "Sis I found her now what do I do?" Snow asked Nihalania. "You need to set me free and get rid of the Sailor scouts." Nihalania replied. "Copy that sis." answered Snow and she was off to find the scouts and her sister.
The next day the gang meet up and they split up in to groups to find Serena but befor they did they heard the sound of snow dancers. "Guys Snow is back!" Called Leta they all transformed to fight.
Back in the mirror Snow finally, came to set her sister free. "Sis I came to set you free." Nihalania smiled and replied. "Well do it lets show our niece who's boss." Snow grinned and shattered the mirror and Nihalania came out and they went to find the snow dancers.
Everyone saw Nihalania come near them and say. "Your little friend is in truble like you know but do you know who is doing it well I'm one of them." "How did you get free?" asked Venus. "That I cat say but prepare to die scouts. 

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