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***Another poem from my other collection that I'm putting in here. 

This poem I wrote is heavily inspired by Marcus Warner's album "Where the Earth Meets the Sky". Here is the link if you want to check it out (it's also in the media section):

Where the earth meets the sky,

The horizon is born,

Distant grey,

Or sweet orange rose,

This is the horizon's song,

Listen to it's call.

Silently it whispers,

Forget about everything,

For here you can start anew,

Like the freshness of morning dew

It promises.

This is the horizon's song,

With chords from A to G,

Notes painted upon canvases,

Beyond the shifting sea,

So pack yourself a toothbrush dear,

And maybe even that coat,

The storm's a brewing,

There'll be no boat,

You'll have to build your bridges,

Arches over trees,

And when you crossed the highlands,

Seven days ago,

You'll remember,

This is a story of the sea,

A dance of the sky,

This is the horizon's song.

Tides pull you under,

But you'll be carried home,

I will see you cross the ocean,

But I will not follow,

Rise from your slumber,

No sun behind a locked door,

No moon to cast a shadow

On the barren floor,

Take the key,

Whether flat or sharp,

And run,

Run far,

The ancient giants will meet you,

And the horizon awaits,


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