September 9th

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Draco woke up before Hermione,which surprised him.He saw the note and went to the room beside Savannah's.He froze,Hermione did this in one night? he asked himself.No wonder why Hermione was still asleep.He first went and got the clothes and Jewelry then sent them off to his kids,also telling them about the Quadruplets.then he woke the kids,fid them breakfast and they went to buy Hermione something.Draco was glad his kids knew how to pick the perfect gifts.He took the kids back home and hid the presents in a secret Safe he had when he wanted to hide Hermione's presents.She woke up at 12 in the afternoon.She saw Draco coming out of the bathroom,and smiled at him "what time is it?"She asked,Draco smirked "12 in the afternoon"Hermione's mouth dropped "How?" "Hermione,you were up all night making the Quadruplets room"Draco laughed "Do you like it?"Hermione asked "I love it,how tell me the genders"Draco sat on the bed "2 boys and 2 girls."Hermione smiled "ok I name A boy and girl and you name a boy and girl"Draco said "Should their names start with D?"Hermione asked "alright,what about Daniel and Danielle"Draco said "and Drake and Darci"Hermione said "Daniel,Danielle,Drake and Darci"Draco smiled "middle names now"Hermione started thinking "Danielle Grace Malfoy and Darci Gianna Malfoy"Hermione said after 10 minutes, "Good,Good"Draco was still thinking,then he straightened up "Daniel Grayson Malfoy and Drake Gavin Malfoy" "Wow,we are great at naming kids"Hermione kissed Draco.They got up and got dressed,Draco told Hermione they would do her Birthday Today since tomorrow they have the reunion.Hermione wore A dress Draco got her,

He rapped the gifts magically and within 10 minutes,the Notts,the Zabini's and Draco's parents were there

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He rapped the gifts magically and within 10 minutes,the Notts,the Zabini's and Draco's parents were there.

The Zabini's gifts

The Zabini's gifts

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The Nott's Gift

The Nott's Gift

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