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Unknown~ Hey, I can't decide what to wear. Could you help? You always know what looks good on me 🌙

You receive this text at 8 PM. You're currently sitting there on your couch, watching Friends while eating ice cream. How you loved Y/F/I.C.F on a cold Saturday night binge. You stare at it, not sure how to answer. Do you pretend to be whoever this stranger is talking to, to not let them feel embarrassed. If they're asking what to wear I'm sure it's important. Yet, if you do, you risk the stranger getting upset when they find out they've been talking to a random person. You sit there for 10 minutes very conflicted. While deciding what to do, your phone rings again.

Unknown~ You might be busy, but I reeeaallly need your opinion on this. I have the party tonight and I have to look at least decent enough for it.

You decide to text this stranger back. Rather than lying, you decide to tell the truth. Maybe you could help them, or they just not text you back and you won't have to deal with the anxiety of choosing something important for the stranger.

Me: Hi, I don't think you know this, but um you have the wrong number. Though I'd love to help, I don't believe I'm the person you had intentions of texting.

"I probably could've worded that a lot better. It seems a tad bit rude, maybe I'm just tripping, I don't know." I place my phone by my side, waiting impatiently for the stranger to respond. Awhile goes by and you just assume they were too embarrassed to text back. Seconds later you hear a ping.

Unknown~ Oh my.. how embarrassing. I'm so sorry for bothering you. I must've typed the number wrong. I just have this important party and have wasted so much time thinking I was texting my friend Victoria. She bought a new phone but I thought I got the right number. Again I'm sorry babe.

You feel a slight blush reading the word babe. "It's just babe, Y/N." I highly doubt they meant anything to it. You decide to text back, letting it sit for a few minutes to let the stranger think you actually have people to talk to. Yeah, totally as I look around at the amount of ice cream consumed and the seasons of Friends I watched tonight.

Me: It's fine lol. I could still help if needed. I might not know what you look like, but I'm good at picking out outfits.

Oh god, that maybe was weird. Ugh I hate second guessing everything. It'd be nice if I wouldn't care so much about little things. I get up and throw my ice cream carton away, placing the metal spoon in the sink, hitting the surface with a loud ting. I turn off Friends and walk to my bedroom. Hearing a ping as I begin stripping my clothes off, seeing as I managed to get ice cream on them.
I grab my phone and check the message.

Unknown~ Hm, alright. I mean I really don't have any other choice. Plus I like a new opinion on things every now and then. Giddy on up partner, you're in for a treat.

You chuckle reading the message. As soon as you read it another pops up.

Unknown~ Omg that was embarrassing I'm sorry. Gosh I'm really weird. I'm sorry.

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