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What unfolded next was fuelled with panic and fear, yet was organised and controlled, ensuring that the situation was dealt with as best as possible for everyone involved. Screams of shock and horror echoed throughout the studio, mainly coming from the around one hundred members of the audience. Thankfully none of the audience had been hurt when some of the ceiling and lights fell, and so they were all urgently ushered out of the studio.

The stage was covered in ceiling and lights. Those furtherest away from the audience had been lucky, and mostly managed to get away unscathed. Those closest weren't quiet so lucky and the medical team descended on them. However, the focus very quickly was drawn to the two Geordies who hadn't moved or made a sound since the collapse. The ambulance and fire service had been called as it was very clear that professional help was going to be needed to get the to boys quickly and safely without causing anymore damage in the process. Everyone just wanted to get to them which was going to be easier said than done with the amount of equipment that had landed on top of them.

Head of the ITV's in-house medical team, Katie knelt down as close to where they thought the boys were, she could just see the top of Ants head, his black hair starting to turn to red due to a large gash which was sluggishly bleeding. She scanned the area as best as she could, struggling to find Dec. However, it didn't take long to locate him. Katie saw his foot, which caused a lump to form in her throat as it appeared to be twisted in a very unnatural position.

"They looked really trapped guys, I can't see much but I can tell Ants got a cut to his head, and Dec has got a badly broken ankle, I'm not sure which one though. I really need to get to them and fast to find out what we are dealing with." This got everyone moving even faster, clearing off any bits of rubble that were around the edges so they could get closer, and gain easier access to the boys.


Breathing was hard, like something was pushing on his chest. As he opened his eyes, dirt and dust began to irritate them. Yet when he went to wipe it away with his hands, he realised he couldn't; he was trapped and had no idea why or how.

"Ant, Ant can you hear me?" He wasn't too impressed with the amount of noise, his headache was making itself known and the additional noise wasn't helping. His only response was a groan before he lost his hold on consciousness once more.


"Ant, Ant it won't be long till we can get you out. Try and keep still for me love. Ant? Can you still hear me?" Katie was met with silence and no movement from her patient and her earlier relief to Ant response was quickly diminishing now he wasn't responding to her voice anymore.

"I think he's out again." Katie looked over to her college Mark, who was trying to get a better gage on Decs condition now that they could get closer. "How's he doing?"

"No idea. He hasn't moved and I can't get close enough to check for a pulse. All I do know is, we need to get in quick, there seems to be a lot of blood and I'm not liking the direction it's coming from."

It was at this point that the ambulance crew and fire service arrived and it wasn't long before access had been gained to the boys. To much great relief they found a pulse on both boys even though they were weak and neither had regained consciousness.

The paramedics that were involved were growing very worried about the seriousness of possible injuries for both boys. With the weight that had fallen on them and the height that it had fallen, it would be a miracle if this accident didn't cause any fatalities. They needed to get them to hospital as fast as they could and time was against them.


To be continued...


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