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Ali guided Ants chair towards Dec's bed, allowing them to be as close as possible. Anne-Marie stood in the doorway and watched fondly as, once close enough, Ant gently took Decs left hand in his, drawing small circles with his thumb. She smiled to herself as she noticed that Ant seemed to relax a little now he was able to be with Dec. She was pleased that Ant was able to be with Dec; neither copped too well when they were separated for long periods. Sharing a knowing look with Ali, they left the boys alone together, knowing that's what they both needed.


A comfortable silence followed for a while after the girls had left. Ant didn't really know what to say. It felt weird to talk to Dec, knowing he wasn't going to receive a response. He sat watching the rhythmical rise and fall of Dec's chest, taking some comfort from the sight even though he was being given some significant help from the ventilator that was attached to the tube coming out of Dec's mouth. It made Ant feel slightly sick, the reality of the whole situation was becoming more and more apparent.

This was the ultimate nightmare for Ant. Both boys hated being separated for any long periods that weren't necessary. Even when they go on individual holidays with their partners, they always stayed in regular contact over text and FaceTime. All he wanted was to be able to have a conversation with Dec, to hear his voice and to be reassured that everything was going to be okay because he was struggling to hold onto any hope that things were ever going to be the same again.

Ant's thoughts continued to roam around his head, whilst he sat with Dec. However, he was soon interrupted by the arrival of a young nurse.

"Sorry to disturb you, I just need to take some quick obs, I won't be long." All Ant could do was nod, not feeling up for a conversation with the nurse, who name, he saw on his uniform, was Carl.

Carl worked in silence, understanding from Ant's composure that polite conversation wasn't going to be appreciated.

However, Carl couldn't help notice the slight apprehension coming from Ant and from 15 years of experience in the job, he had a sneaking suspicion on what it could be about.

"Talk to him" Ant turned and faced Carl, a look of confusion evident in his face.

"Talk to him, he most likely is able to hear you."

"But...how...like...seriously...?" Carl couldn't help but smile at Ant. The look of hope on his face was heartwarming.

"I'm not sure how, but there is evidence to show that people, in conditions such as your friends, can still hear. It's worth a shot surely?"

Ant sat slightly taken aback, unsure how to respond. He didn't need to though as Carl understood. He sent a warm smile in Ants direction before leaving him alone.

Leaving some time to ensure he was not going to be disturbed Ant gently cleared his throat and brought his gaze towards Decs closed eyes before starting to talk.

"Heya mate. God, I miss ya, feels kinda weird sitting here with you but without ya if ya get me..." there was a short pause and a single tear made the journey down Ants face.

"Please wake up Dec, please."


When Ali and Anne-Marie returned to Decs room a couple of hours after they had left, the sight they were greeted with, made both girls feel very emotional.

Ant was still sat in a very similar position to earlier but they were also greeted with the addition of quiet sobs coming from the dark haired man.

Anne-Marie quietly made her way over to Ant without making him jump in shock, and crouched down beside him.

"Maybe it's time to take you back to your room darling?" Placing a gentle hand on his knee and looking Ant in the eyes, exhaustion was written all over his face.

"You look exhausted, let's go and have some rest, yeah." All she received was a nod in agreement but that's all she needed. Carefully unlocking the breaks on the wheelchair, Anne-Marie said goodbye to Ali and took Ant back to his room where, once back into bed, feel asleep in seconds.


To be continued...


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