Chapter 2

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The whirlwind of chaos happened as soon as I stepped off from the plane. A steel faced Gamma in a suit stepped up to the airport's gates, holding a simple sign 'Mating Ball Participants.' In a flurry of arms and legs, young and older wolves alike were crowding around the suited manager as a large bus was pulled up at the taxi stand. Everyone spilled into the seats, each finding their friend or a like minded individual to chat with on the journey.

I shifted in my shoes, looking at the myriad of faces in the crowded bus. I edged down the aisle, till someone whispered, "Hey, over here!" I turned, fingers tightening onto my suitcase handle. A honey skinned girl with dark hair in ringlets lazily reclined on the technicoloured bus chair.

I sat down woodenly, cautiously giving her a large gap in case of trouble. My wolf and I could tell that she was a Gamma, so what was she doing associating with me? Social classes were something that everyone wordlessly adhered to, regardless of what everyone said. Sure, no one was really openly discriminatory, but then again nobody really no there'd to mix out of their circles.

She extended a palm, eyes glinting conspiratorially, "Let's become friends." I hesitantly shook it, mumbling, "Do I even know you...." She grinned, "I'm Samantha, what your name?" I drummed my fingers onto my lap, "Remy." Samantha smiled widely, "I never heard of that name, what's it stand for."

I flushed, cheeks turning hot, "Actually... actually... it's Remington. My parents thought I was a boy before they had me." She nodded, "Oh wow, that's tough." I shake my head and shrug, "Every calls me Remy anyways. Not like I really bothered."

She slung an arm around my shoulder as I froze, "Dont worry I think it's a great name." I sheepishly smile, "Yours too."


An hour later and Samantha is still relentlessly bombarding me with her questions. We've gradually warmed up to each other, but I can't help but still be cautious. It wasn't as if we were destined to be best friends on a road trip. The truth was much more different than that.

Samantha peers at me, "So, what did you bring for the opening dinner and dance?" I grit my teeth, "Nothing much. Just one dress." She scowled, shaking her head as her dark hair bounced on her shoulders. "No can do. I'll have to fix you up for this. Take it as an offer from a new friend." I hesitated, but seeing her eyes beseech me made me cave in. "Sure." She grinned, "You're going to be my Barbie doll!"

I frowned in disbelief, I looked nowhere near the blond femme fatale. Samantha smiled sheepishly, "Too far?" I shook my head, sighing. This is why I'm dead inside.


Central Pack looked nothing like what they talked about in the news. In fact, Central was even more glamorous than expected. With its smooth paved roads and tall luxurious estates lining its well designed complexes, it was a far cry from the Northern pack. While I roamed around dilapidated streets with the occasional strewn litter at home in the markets, Central was clean, bright and luxurious.

Even their lampposts looked like something out of a furniture store magazine. Not a single chip of paint missing. Rolling estates stretched far from the eye, bordered by the dark and luscious forests surrounding the red brick mansions that featured large swimming pools and great terraces.

I glanced to the side at Samantha's awestruck face. She had mentioned that she came from the Southern Pack. While the Northern Pack boasted of rolling hills with wild flowers and the dark turbulent waters and gritty coastlines, the Southern pack proudly featured tall forests with soft sanded beaches and little caves to escape away. Or that was what she had told me about her home. Part of it came from a discarded travel brochure that I had picked up from the floor of the diner I worked at part time.

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