Chapter 3

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I grimaced in horror and anticipation at the monstrous sight before me. Samantha let out a low hiss of annoyance. 

The snaking queue of werewolves outside the large gates to the Central Mating Ball Apartments were extremely long and noisy. These reflected the many distant highways of Western Pack that teemed with cars and vehicles alike. Wolves of every size, shape and background teemed at the entrance, in neat lines that were enforced by stern Gammas that looked as if they had seen too many unspeakable sights over the years. 

I rummaged in my pocket, feeling for my mobile phone. A small black phone surfaced, with slight cracks showing its old age. I turned on it's interface precariously as it glimmered to life. One p.m. and no lunch in sight. Only when we were safely housed were we able to order complimentary room service for lunch. My stomach growled thinking of all the good food I got to dine on soon.

Even so, I felt a twinge of regret as I thought of my family. Seth would love it here, all the good food around, readily available. Garett would love the fashion stores dotted around the different mega malls and mom would not resist taking long walks in the different parks around Central. 

Samantha frowned, patting my shoulder, "You thinking of home?" I could only nod, staring at the monochrome floor. She nodded, languidly gazing in the distance. Her eyes seemed fixed onto something that only she could see, "I miss my family too."


Getting registered for a small apartment was easy when it came to our turn. I had nearly died from overexposure after seeing yet another couple meet and immediately make out in front of us. I definitely would not want to make out with someone I've never met. My wolf snorted in derision. I clicked my tongue in annoyance at my wolf's thoughts before reverting to Samantha's lively argument with the Gamma in charge of registration to get an apartment closer to the main venues. After several rounds of to and fro retorts, an exhausted Gamma handed Samantha a key to one of the slightly higher end apartments in the whole complex. Samantha grinned, her gift of the gab had brought a stroke of luck yet again.

She handed a copy of the key to me, as we headed to the Bali spa themed villa/apartments. The mating games were all about status and recognition apart from having fun, so every year rich wolf families or Pack Alphas squabbled over who would manage the whole event. This year it was the renowned Oceania household who had gotten the job. 

As a result, the whole place was redecorated, the clear pond in the middle of the complex had large creamy white lotuses and brightly colored fish frolicking in the waters. The apartments had been modified to wheat colored villas that had Balinese style huts that looked as if they belonged in a tropical paradise. The opulence and sheer grandeur of the place simply blinded my eyes as I ogled the beautiful apartments that were dotted around the massive complex.  

Finally we had reached our apartment, Samantha holding her breath as she turned the key in the mandala patterned doorway. As the room door swung open, we were greeted with the scent of frangipani and jasmine blossoms, where a tray of freshly cut flowers were placed in the shoe rack. The whole building was a quaint six room bungalow with various amenities. With soft furniture matching the theme of the villa, as well as large rooms that boasted air ventilation and a top notch air conditioning system. A beige phone was propped up onto a side table where a order in menu was tucked away in the corner.

I lugged my chipped old suitcase to my room door, gasping at the splendor of the room. The large bed that has neat covers contrasts to the small bunk bed at home that I share with my brothers. A wide tub sits in the bathroom, the scent of frangipanis lifting my mood. A study desk, wardrobe with several basic complimentary clothing articles hang there. I grin, when this is all over, maybe I can bring some free things back for the farm and as gifts. 

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