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You killed the last biter that was in your way and then dropped on the ground. You didn't have the energy to get up again. It has been two days since you've lost your group after a herd tore down the fences of the small farm you were staying at. You were the only survivor of the attack.
You found a cabin to stay in for the night. You weren't only tired but also in pain because you had twisted your ankle.
After sleeping for a few hours you woke up. It was still dark but you were very thirsty so you went outside to look for water. Later you realised that was a stupid idea. With your twisted ankle and terrible orientation skills there was only a small chance you'd find water while it was still dark outside.
After looking for a few hours you lost your way and were too exhausted, hurt and dehydrated to go on so you closed your eyes and fell asleep.


You slowly opened your eyes as you felt something touching your lips. It took you a few seconds to realise someone was trying to help you to sit up straight so you could drink from the water bottle they were holding against your mought.
When you sat up you took a few sips and then looked at the person in front of you. You saw a man with a crossbow, his face was sweaty and dirty. He was wearing a sleevless shirt.
When you were more aware of what was happening you took the bottle and drank til it was empty. Then you looked at the stranger again. He was standing up now, looking down. You cleared your throat before you started talking.
"Thank you. For the water."
"How long you've been here in these woods?" he asked, while offering you a peach that he grabbed out of his backpack.
"Two days." You took a bite from the peach and then tried to get up. You whimpered because your ankle still hurt.
The man helped you get up.

"You're hurt?" he asked.
"I twisted my ankle but it isn't that bad i think."
There was a brief silence before he asked another question.
"You have a group?"
You shook your head. "Not anymore."
Saying it out loud made you feel sad and empty.
"What happened?" He asked.
"The biters. There were so many I-"
Some noise made you pause your sentence. You both turned your heads to the direction where the sound came from.
"Well who's this?" A man asked. He looked at you and bit his lip
"You lost hunny? Why don't we help you find your way back?" He laughed as he came closer to you.
You wanted to take your knife out but you realised you had lost it.
"Leave her alone Merle." Said the man who had given you water.
"It's okay little brother. I'm only starting a conversation with this lady right here."
"I'm Merle and this is my brother Daryl. Why don't you tell us your name?" You didn't like the way Merle was looking at you but you answered his question. "I'm Y/N."
"Pretty name for a pretty girl" Merle said as he took out a liquor hip flesk.
You rolled your eyes and stepped away.
"Is that how you take a compliment little girl." Merle laughed again and then walked up to his brother Daryl.
"She ain't gonna last long out here. Maybe she'll come say hi when she turned into one of the dead. C'mon we're going to catch some fish."
Daryl looked at you as you were slowly walking away. Your ankle was hurting but you had to go on, hoping you'd find a stream and some food along the way. You really wanted to get out of the woods and you didn't trust those men enough to go with them.
"Hey, wait." You turned your head and saw Daryl walking up to you. "We have a camp, few miles away from here. Few people with tents. There's food and water. Wanna come?" He asked.
You didn't know whether you should say yes and go with him or say no and just find a place on your own. You got yourself in trouble once so you probably would get in trouble again if you kept walking alone. Besides Daryl had given you water and something to eat so why would he lie about helping you to get out of the woods.
You eventually decided to come along with them.

Nothing's Gonna Hurt You (Daryl Dixon x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now