The Campfire

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"It will heal quick this way." Said the woman named Carol, who just took care of your ankle.
You had just met a few people at the camp. Rick, who recently joined the group after reuniting with his wife Lori and his son Carl.
You also met Shane, who appears to be the leader of the group.
You thanked Carol for what she did and she left so you could rest.
It was difficult for you to fall asleep because it wasn't dark yet. And you never could adjust quickly to new situations. All the horrible things that had changed your life, had changed the world for good, it was almost too much for you to take. But you were stronger than you thought, you were a fighter. You tried to think of good moments and eventually fell asleep.


"Y/N? Are you still asleep?" You had been awake for a few minutes but you were still tired. Lori asked if you had slept well and if you were hungry.
"I'm starving."
"I hope you like fish." She said with a smile.
It was getting dark and cold so people had build a campfire. Everyone was sitting together. Before the dinner started, you met Andrea and her sister Amy. They seemed nice too.
You felt a lot better after resting and eating so you decided to stay up for a while with everyone. Daryl and Merle had found packs of beer while they were scavenging earlier.
You all were enjoying the night and the world seemed normal again. People made jokes and laughed at the smallest things.
"I'm going to grab another beer in the RV. Anyone else too?" Said Amy.
"Yeah I'll go with you." Merle answered and laughed.
Amy rolled her eyes and said she could go alone.
Five minutes later Amy still wasn't back and Andrea was getting worried.
No answer.
"Did anyone check if there were walkers around?" Andrea asked.
You assumed that she meant biters.
We heard someone scream from the RV. It was Amy. Andrea got up and walked to the RV. She saw her sister getting attacked by a walker and was screaming her name. "Amy! No! No!"
"There's more! Watch out!" Shane yelled as he got up to grab his gun.
Everything was happening so fast and you didn't realise you were just standing there, walkers surrounding the camp.
Not everyone had weapons to defend themselves. You witnessed people getting bitten and ripped apart by the walkers. People were screaming and crying and it was as if you were back to the horrifying night at the farm where you lost your previous group. It was happening all over again but this time there were more walkers, like they knew you were a bigger group.
"Carl stay with me! Hold on to me!" Lori was holding on to her son, hiding behind Shane and Rick.
Carol was crying, her daughter was attacked too.
You still hadn't moved but the walkers were coming closer to the fire.
You felt something touching your shoulder, you gasped and turned around. You saw a walker in front of you. You tried to get out of his grip but as he got closer with his mouth you got weaker and all you could think was that you were about die.
The walker was about to bite you but then an arrow went through his head. You looked at the direction where the arrow came from. You saw Daryl running towards you.
He quickly took his arrow back and looked at you.
"You have a death wish or sumnthin?"
He grabbed a knife out of his pocket and handed it to you. Your shaky hand took the knife.
The following few minutes you fought against the walkers with the rest of the group. You killed two walkers who were approaching Carol, who was still crying.
When there wasn't any danger anymore, your adrenaline started wearing off.
You saw the mess that was caused by the attack. People suffering, dying, crying because they just lost someone.
You fell down on your knees. Daryl noticed that you were crying and came up to you.
"You ok?" He asked, sitting down next to you.
"No." You sobbed.
He layed his hand on your back.
"You will be. It will be. Just take some deep breaths."
His words soothed you.
You layed your head on his shoulder.
"How did this happen, how?" You asked.

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