Just For Tonight

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*A week later*

It had been a week. A week since you had something decent to eat. A week since you had slept for longer than three hours.
Now you were sitting in Amy's office. She and a few members of her group found you whilst you were fighting walkers last night.
When you had arrived to their place, her people didn't trust you and you didn't trust them either. It looked too good to be true. Families together, children walking around, carefree and happy. Adults who seemed to get along well and enjoying themselves, it seemed fake, like it was a trap.
After your group had a conversation about it you all agreed to take the risk and get closer inside.
You had to deliver your weapons before you got closer. Not everyone was too happy with that but it all went well.
Everyone was getting questioned individually. You were questioned by Amy.
She seemed cheerful, the opposite of you. She asked your name, age and where you were from. She asked if you had any siblings or other family members in your group. After that you had to fill in a paper which included more personal questions. You didn't understand why you had to do all of this but you did it anyway.
"Thank you (Y/N). I'll show you around the place now is that okay?"
"So that means I get to stay here? That I answered the questions right?" You asked.
"Well, you don't look like a dangerous human being to me. If what you said is true of course."
"I hardly ever lie." You said with a smile.
"Good. Follow me." Amy said whilst walking outside her office.
"So are you the boss of everyone here, the leader?" You asked.
"I lead this city with Eric and Daniel. They're older but not wiser than me, don't tell them I said that tho." She was funny, you liked her already.

You were lying on your bed. You had taken a shower and it felt like heaven. The warmth of the room made you fall asleep quickly. You woke up from nightmares a few times but you felt safe inside your room. You felt safe in this place. Though you kept Daryl's words in the back of your mind. "We can't just trust 'em like that. We don't know a thing about those people." He was right. But it was worth taking the chance to find out who they were and if their intentions were as good as they seemed to be.

*18 hours later*

The first day in Amy's city was coming to an end. You had met Eric and Daniel. You thought Eric seemed kind and he was a little shy. Daniel wasn't really nice, he was good-looking but no one liked him because of his rude behavior. He reminded you of Shane, just a little.
Your job was keeping watch during the morning and after that you had to help with dinner. You weren't good at cooking so there wasn't much you could do.
Not everyone was coming to the dinner that night. Most people hadn't accept your group yet which you understood.
After the dinner most people stayed for a drink and some were even dancing. Amy had given you a black dress for the dinner and you had hesitated to wear it. You were glad you decided to wear it, you felt more confident now.
The alcohol was making you feel less shy and you wanted to talk to Daryl.
You thought he would be drinking with his brother but he was sitting alone outside, smoking.
You took another sip of the white wine in your cup and then went to him.
"Hey stranger. You don't like it inside?" You asked.
He looked behind him and smiled. You didn't expect that. "No, too crowded.' He said.
You sat next to him. It was cold outside but you didn't care.
"You okay?" He asked.
"Yeah. You?"
You noticed the bottle of whiskey next to him.
"What do you think of this place?" You asked him.
He shrugged his shoulders. "They pretend like the world ain't ending."
"They're not pretending. They have created a safe place to hide from the madness. That's surviving too."
He put out his cigarette. "Nowhere is safe." He said.
"You sound like your brother."
"I'm nothing like him!" He got up and walked away.
"Hey, wait!" You followed him.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you."
"Leave me alone girl."
You messed it up without trying, like you always did.
"Daryl, please, don't go."
He turned around and looked in your eyes.
"What do you want from me?" He asked.
"I only wanted to talk to you."
"I don't wanna talk. I wanna be left alone."
"Why? Why do you push away everyone who cares for you?"
He didn't answer your question but what you said changed the look in his eyes.
"Why do you care?"
"Because I know you're a good man. When you found me in the woods you did the right thing. You could have walked away or do worse, but you didn't. You care about people but you're afraid to show it."
He looked down and you got closer to him.
You softly laid your hand on his cheek and he looked at you, he seemed calm and so did you.
"You can tell me if I'm wrong, but I don't think I am." You said.
"I'm not afraid to show that I care. I'm afraid to lose the ones I care for." He said.
"That's okay. I am too. It means we have a reason to fight for."
It was quiet for a moment.
"You wanna go back inside and pretend like the world isn't ending, just for tonight?" You asked as you grabbed the bottle from his hand and drank from it. The taste was strong and it made you cough. You both laughed.
The rest of the night everyone was having fun. Little did they know that this was the calm before the storm. A storm they weren't prepared for.
But that night you didn't care what could happen next. You had Daryl close to you. That was all that mattered to you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2019 ⏰

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