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Aaron's POV:

I sighed as I pulled a too-small beanie over my bald head, hoisting the heavy camera over my shoulder. After slamming the van doors closed, I made my way over to the rest of the crew, where I set both my camera and my eyes on Zak.
The atmosphere was creepy, I could already feel spirits all around me, dude. The heavy grey clouds hung low over the mansion we were investigating for this episode of Ghost Adventures. I felt my gaze drift over the old house.
"Aaron!" I hear my name and snap my head forward. "What the hell are you doing, you're supposed to be filming me." Zak corrects me. He is such a diva, always demanding attention. I don't mind it though. It's actually one of the things I find most attractive about him. I focus my lens on him once again, wetting my lips with my tongue. I could never tell him the truth about my infatuation with him. He would never feel the same way about me that I do for him.
His eyes flicker to mine, his gaze intense, asserting his dominance.
"Like I said," he monologues staring into the camera lens, "this place is crawling with activity, and we. are gonna lock ourselves inside. all. night." His stare is focused on my brown orbs, his blue ones piercing into my soul. The soul he holds in his fingerless gloved hands. The soul he would dangle in front of satan himself for evidence. But I feel the thrill every time, the thrill of loving him.
When I snap out of my trance, I lower my camera and stop recording.
"C'mon Aaron," Zak says after I turn on my heel to walk back to the van. "We're going to interview that lady over there." He points to an older woman in a pink shirt. Her short, plump physic is charming, the mole on her chin prominent. Her thin grey hair seems to be pulled back into a ponytail.
"Okay, okay," I say, slinging the heavy camera back onto my shoulder. Zak strides over to her, and I follow slowly. The camera is heavy, but I would carry a camera ten times heavier if it meant I got to film Zak. To spend time with him, to be his knight in shining armor.
"So you're the owner of the mansion," he says lowly, touching her shoulder with his small hand. "Is it true that you've had..." he pauses to find the right word, his tongue running over his pink lips, moistening them. "Experiences... in the basement of this house. Correct?"
"Oh yes," nods the woman, her voice coarse and scratchy. "The basement is.. particularly dark."
"So, you're saying there's a dark presence in the basement," Zack asks, needy for confirmation.
"Yes that's what I'm saying," she confirms.
His eyes immediately flicker to mine. I feel a chill run through my body, down my spine. I can't decide if it's a reaction to the intense energy of the house, or the way Zack pushes his greased jet black hair off his forehead that causes the sudden jolt of electricity to pulse through my veins.
"Have there been reports of anything happening in the basement?" Zack questions the woman.
"Oh yes," she sighs, "in 1889, a woman fell down the stairs leading down into the basement, and died there at the bottom of the staircase. There has also been animal sacrifice and satanic rituals happening down there, even since I've owned the place. There''s a pentagram in the middle of the floor down there. It's said the devil himself has stepped foot in the basement. I believe it's true too. I've felt his presence."
This is all new news to us. But I can tell by the way Zak is salivating that he can't wait to explore the spirit infested mansion. It's so incredibly hot to see him all passionate and fired up. God, the things I would do to him in that basement.
I shake my head to rid my mind of the pathetic thoughts.

Zak's POV:

We finish up the last of our interviews and soon night falls upon the mansion, like a drape of darkness enshrouding the spirits still manifesting on its grounds.
I walk over to the RV where we've set up an active nerve center, and our video and audio techs Billy Tolley and Jay Wasley will be monitoring the footage live throughout the lockdown.
I can feel the adrenaline pumping me up, I'm ready to get my hands on the mansion all alone, well alone with Aaron really.
I push my glasses up the bridge of my nose and ensure Billy and Jay aren't messing anything up. Everything seems to be working fine. I exit the recreational vehicle and make my way up the porch of the haunted house. The steps creak, but something calls me to the wooden front door. I place my forehead on the wood and take a big sniff, gripping my cross necklace in hand.
I flinch when I feel a large hand on my shoulder, and whip around to see Aaron.
"You alright man?" he asks me. I gaze into his caramel colored eyes, and they stare intently back at me.
"Y-yeah bro," I stutter, caught off guard and stumbling to not look like a fool in front of him.
"You ready to go in soon? It's getting pretty dark already."
"Yeah," I reply quietly, turning around to talk to the camera.
I push my hair up off my forehead, spiking it up in front, and Aaron points his finger at me, signaling that he is recording.
We begin the investigation, using the EVP device to sweep the house for spirit voices. we hear none, and I start to get annoyed that we haven't contacted spirits yet.
We proceed down the stairs which the woman fell down so many years ago. I can immediately feel the shift in energy as we proceed down into the basement for the first time. I'm standing right where someone died. And my dick is hard.
I can't help but feel safe though, knowing Aaron is with by my side. I give him a hard time, but I secretly like having him around.
Suddenly, I hear Aaron groan from behind me. I spin around to see him clutching his leg, doubled over in pain.
"What's wrong!?" I ask him. His pain causes him to set down the camera. Thank god we have the night vision x-cameras set up we need to capture the footage.
"I-ah-I don't know,bro," he says wincing in pain, grabbing his upper thigh with both hands. "I just felt a sharp pain in my leg."
"And right when we came to the basement too," I realize. Obviously he's being effected by spirits.
I like seeing Aaron so vulnerable. So out of control.
"Agh I gotta go outside bro," he winces and makes his way into the cool night air.
Dakota, our other camera man follows him, leaving me alone in the dank basement. I'm frustrated. This is my show and I feel the spirits too. I hate when Aaron takes my spotlight. In a huff, I stomp up the stairs and outside. Aaron sits on the brown lawn, slumped over his knees. I stride over and stand directly in front of him.
"Yo are you alright?" I ask, cringing at my own choice of words. Why is it so hard for me to be normal around him? I get too nervous, I never know what to say.
"No, I'm not alright," he says, his eyes peering up at me, eyebrows furrowed.
"Alright..w-well," I begin.
"Can you just leave me be for a minute Zak?"
I feel my cheeks flush with embarrassment.
"Uhh, no Aaron we need you to go back in there," I tell him.
"No Zak, I'm done for now I can't go back down there," he objects.
"Aaron... go down there."
Within minutes Aaron is down in the basement again alone. I watch him from the nerve center, watching him act as bait for the ghosts I do desperately want to catch. I watch him obey my wishes.
Aaron stands alone in the dark, unsure of what lurks in the shadows. Suddenly he jolts to the right, as if someone said something in his ear.
"Zak," he calls out and my heart swells, "Zak, come in here now!" I jump into action, assuring Jay and Billy to stay put. I rush from the RV and down into the basement. Although it is complete darkness, my feet somehow know where to go.

Aaron's POV:

"Zak," I call to him when I hear a voice in my ear. I need Zak here by my side. The adrenaline of being in this basement is hyping me up. I need to feel him next to me, his presence. "Zak come in here now!"
A few moments later, I hear footsteps down the stairs.
"Zak is that you?" I question into the darkness.
"Yeah Aaron."
"Thank god you're here Zak, something just whispered in my ear."
I swear I hear him say "I wish it was me," but I think it's just the spirits making my head spin. Suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder in the dark and lurch away, my heart leaping out of my chest.
"Calm down Aaron," I hear his voice and it calms me almost instantly. "It's just me," he whispers in my ear, closer than he had been before. "And this time it's not in your head, it's really me."
I begin to chuckle, unsure of where he's getting at when I feel something graze my leg and my cheeks immediately flush. Is this really happening? Is Zak really coming onto me?
"Now Aaron," I hear him say from behind me, "you know I sent you down here so you could... really FEEL the energy of this place. So you could feel it without me here to distract you" His hard on is pressing against my upper legs, as Zak is too short to reach my ass, but I stick my bubble butt out for him anyway.
"But since that didn't work..." he continues. I try to gulp but my mouth is dry. "I guess I'll try another approach."
I spin around to say something, but my mind dissolves the thought as soon as his lips are on mine. My hands immediately grab his cheeks, where peach fuzz like spring grass grows there.
He tries to act tough, but I can tell by the way his glasses are fogging up and how he desperately clings to my tan tee-shirt that he wants me just as much as I want him.
When he pulls away my lips ache and I feel empty. That is until I notice him talking into his walkie talkie. The show. Billy and Jay. The cameras. They saw it all. Embarrassment floods through me as my mind races about what to say to them.
Before I begin to race up the steps to explain myself, Zak calmly pulls me back before whispering in my ear "Dick anomaly detected". I feel anger rise to redden my face even more. Did he know, was this all a joke to him? At the same time, my pants grow tighter. God, what am I doing?

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