Staart of Something New

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Aaron's POV

After mine and Zak's moment, I tell Nick about my return to the Ghost Adventures crew. He too nicely understands and wishes me the best of luck.
There are things in this world that we will never fully understand, like how God carved Zak's stunningly handsome features and why I can't help but resist him. And how he happened to feel the same for me. That will always be an anomaly to me.
We return to our separate homes, but I can't wait for the next time I get to see him. Really see him, feel his presence in person, not merely over the phone.
A few weeks pass and my heart aches for Zak, I can tell his aches for me too by the way he talks to me on the phone almost everyday.
Finally, it is time for another investigation. I can hardly wait any longer to embrace him. After too long, the Ghost Adventures tour bus is parked in front of my house. I climb onto it with a tingly sensation in my whole body. Zak's dog Gracie runs to greet me and I laugh, petting her soft fur before looking up. Mine and Zak's eyes connect like magnets. He offers me a small smile and I walk over to hug his small body.

Zak's POV

When he hugs me I feel both nervous to open myself up to the world, but also relieved to be in a warm safe Aaron cave. I sniff in his scent- patchouli and a hint of aspen. It smells safe- like home. When we disconnect from our embrace, I shyly smile and look away. I'm not used to this feeling, this fluttering in my stomach. This feeling of not being in complete control of Aaron, over my feelings for him. I adjust my glasses on the bridge of my nose and glance up at him again. He simply grabs my hand and we sit down on the couch together.
"Where's Jay and Billie?" Aaron questions.
"Not here yet, we need to get them from the airport," I reply.
"Oh..." he says. I get nervous. What if he doesn't want to be here alone with me? What if he's changed his mind about his feelings for me. I'm relieved when he says "So that gives us time to do this..." and leans his face closer to mine.
My heart races and my palms become sweaty but instinctually my eyes flutter closed as I lean closer to him. I feel our lips brush when the driver starts up the bus and lurches it forward, causing me is to loose balance and fall backward, Aaron falling directly on top of me. He laughs and gives me a small kiss on the cheek before getting up and walking into the bathroom.
I take this moment to regain my composure. I stand and pull the pull out mirror out from where the cabinets are. I stare into the mirror. Who am I? My cheeks are red and flushed and my hair is ruffled. I shake my head and use my hands to spike my hair into the perfect swoosh on top of my head. I pat down my clothes, adjusting my black leather jacket and glasses. What am I doing? I'm Zak Bagans. I don't get nervous, I run this show. After confidently puffing out my chest, I take a seat at the kitchen table and pull out my packet of research and begin to review all the information about our next haunted destination. I need to focus on work. Gathering evidence- that is what we're here to do. Still, I can't help but catch myself staring in the direction of the bathroom.

Aaron's POV

After flushing my poop, I wash my hands and look in the mirror. Who am I? I'm so used to being at Zak's every beckon call, but here I am making him flustered. I run a hand over my bald head before tugging my beanie over it, and spraying some febreeze just in case.
When I emerge from the bathroom, we are already at the airport and Billie and Jay are boarding the RV.
"Hey what's up man," I say as we all exchange man-shakes and settle into the RV for the drive.
Zak and I sit next to each other on the couch, but he seems distant. He won't hold my hand, he's barely looking at me. Frustrated, I stand and head to the bedroom at the back of the RV and flop onto the squeaky mattress.
I awaken to the sound of the bus's squeaky brakes and tires crunching down an old road. How long was I asleep? I emerge from the bedroom to find Jay and Billie setting up the equipment for the lockdown, converting the RV into an active nerve center for the investigation.
"Have you guys seen Zak?" I ask them.
"He's outside scoping out the property I think," Billie replies while motioning to the door of the RV.
Before I know it, I'm outside. The cool evening air is crisp on my face as I scan my surroundings for Zak. Before I see him, I hear his voice.
"Aaron! What have you been doing dude? Get the camera," he snaps. Taken aback, I follow my instincts and do what he says, grabbing my camera off a nearby table and following Zak around the RV to where our first interview of the night will take place.
"Hi hello my name is Zak, this is Aaron," Zak introduces us to our interview-ee. She is a tall older woman with blonde-grey hair.
"Nice to meet you," she replies, "welcome to the old abandoned orphanage of Springtown."
She continues to talk about the orphanage that her family owns, but refuse to renovate as to not disturb the many spirits that lurk around the grounds. I half listen as I film Zak, getting lost in the way his mouth moves when he speaks. Before I know it, the interview is over and Zak dismisses himself before walking back to the bus. I follow behind, setting my camera back in its spot. I turn around to see Zak standing there. I stare at him, unsure of what I should do. He catches me off guard by grabbing my arms in his hands and kissing me quickly on the lips. I'm confused. Does he want me or not?

Zak's POV
Unable to help myself, I work up the courage to kiss Aaron. This is me. Confident. Doesn't take no for an answer. I fight back the warmth rising to my face and release his arms. He doesn't do anything. He just stands there. Is he in shock? I can't tell. Maybe he doesn't like me? I know I don't like public displays of affection, especially around the other guys. I don't need them to know my feelings, me weaknesses. Aaron is my weakness. As terrifying as it is to feel him crack my facade, I can't help but feel the attraction. The longing to open myself up to him.
"We...uh. We better help the guys set up," I say, embarrassed at his lack of a reaction.
Before I know it, the sun is setting and it's time to begin the lockdown.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: May 14, 2020 ⏰

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