Staalkin Ghosts

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Aaron's POV

All is quiet as I hoist my heavy camera over my shoulder, only this time the lens would not be focused on Zak.
I try to plaster a smile on my face, but it falls when my cheeks get tired and I don't feel like making the effort to change it.
"Hey bud!" Nick chimes as he claps me on my shoulder with his big hand. It feels weird. I miss Zak's little tiny hands. But I need to put that all behind me now, move on with my life and the fact that me and Zak can't work together anymore. "So basically, just film me but if you have any notes or suggestions don't hesitate at all to let me know!" Then he flutters away, leaving me with an uneasy feeling.
This show will be better, I think to myself, you'll actually be treated with respect. It feels empty not having a specific role here, not having Zak in control.
I rest my camera on Nick, an abandoned penitentiary looming in the background. His smile is almost ear to ear as he talks, his short hair and beard scruff shaping his face nicely. His personality shines outward, warm and inviting. Not a shred of mystery to his appearance, nothing deep inside for me to figure out.
I glance to my right when I see a cloud of brown dust blowing towards the jail from behind me, as if a vehicle had disturbed the dirt path leading up to the scene. It isn't too long before I hear tires crunching the gravel. I don't turn around though, I just adjust the focus on my camera.
Nick glances over my shoulder at the vehicles and I hear a car door slam followed by the sound of footsteps.
Nick smiles brightly at the visitor over my shoulder and I squeeze my eyes shut when I hear a familiar voice. "Hey Nick," it says.
"Zak! How you been?" Nick has no idea. The hairs on the back of my neck would be standing on end if I had any. I feel heat flush through my face and neck, continuing down to my peepee. I'm not sure if it is relief or fear flooding through my body.
"What are you doing here?" Nick's voice snaps me back into reality.
"We're investigating the haunted prison," he says uneasily. I can't help but turn around, and when my eyes fixate on him, he is staring at me but quickly looks back at Nick. "Why are you here?"
Nick chuckles slightly. "Uh... you're definitely mistaken. We had this place reserved for tonight."
Zak's eyes flicker to mine, as if he's expecting me to back him up. Not this time. I say nothing. An agitated smile spreads across his face.
"Hey... nothing says we can't both investigate this place. You guys stay here, me and my team will go over there for now." Slowly he turns and walks off into the distant grounds of the abandoned detention center, my- his crew following behind. Out of instinct, I nearly follow but stop myself.
"Alriiiiiighttttt" Nick draws the word out for far too long before clapping his hands together. "Let's set up?"
The rest of the crew and I prepare for the night. As I'm fiddling with the settings on my camera, Nick claps me on my shoulder.
"You okay man? You seem uneasy," he says.
"Huh? Oh, yeah bro I'm fine," I stutter.
"You sure?" He questions, "You seem off."
"No," I say with a big smile that I know isn't convincing. "I'm fine."

Zak's POV

I trudge over to a way less interesting view of the abandoned prison. I can't believe Aaron. Not even giving me the time of day. Admittedly I did book this investigation because I knew he would be here, but I was hoping he'd cave and come back to Ghost Adventures as soon as I saw him. But he didn't. Why would he? He's pissed at me.
As the darkness of the night enshrouds the prison grounds, I instruct Billy to prepare to investigate with me, while Jay will stay at nerve center.
As we begin our investigation, Billy and I split up in order to cover more ground. He will investigate cell block A and I will investigate the solitary confinement chambers, where prisoners suffered and many died of starvation or neglect.
As I make my way in complete darkness to the small windowless rooms, I feel the environment growing heavier and heavier. I take a seat on a concrete bench inside one of the chambers, and turn on the spirit box. The loud radio static like sounds fill the room, and I feel the air getting denser.
I begin asking questions to the spirits.
"Who is here with me right now?" I question.
A deep voice comes through, but I can't make out what is says.
"Who is here?" I ask more forcefully.
Suddenly I hear a long bang out in the hallway. I want to move, but I am frozen, not wanting to leave. Someone is here with me. I turn off the spirit box in order to listen for more unexplainable noises. I begin hearing footsteps, as if someone with boots is walking closer and closer. Another bang. Could it be a prisoner, one who died in this very cell? One who's soul is trapped here, unable to move on to the spirit realm.
The footsteps get closer.
"WHO IS HERE WITH ME" I yell into the darkness, my voice echoing in the empty cell block.
I see a shadow near closer and my heart is beating out of my chest. I wave of relief washes over me when I recognize the tall, nimble body who's clothes are always a little too baggy.
"Aaron?" I question.
"Zak?" He seems just as surprised to see me here as I am.
"You- you scared me I thought your footsteps were a spirit," I tell him to break the awkward silence hanging heavy in the small room.
"Oh no yeah. It's um.. it's just me" he shrugs, staring at the floor, sheepishly scratching the back is his neck with one hand.
"Alright well..." I don't even know what to say to him right now. I want to rush into his long arms and let him hold me in the silence of the shadows. I want him to profusely apologize for ever leaving me and my team. I want to hear his rapid beat as I press my ear against his chest. Instead I simply say "I'll go and let you do your thing."
I begin to walk past him and out into the hall. I'm startled when I feel his icy cold hand on my wrist, pulling me back into the cell. He flicks his camera off and grabs mine out of my hand, turning it off as well.

Aaron's POV

As Zak begins walking past me and out into the hallway, all that goes through my mind is the feeling of not wanting him to leave. I miss him so much.
Without thinking I grab his wrist in my hand and pull him back into the room, turning off my camera before taking his and rushing to find the off switch. I can't do this, I can't be a part of Nick's team. I need Zak, I need his energy, I need to feel electricity pulse through me as it had so many weeks ago when we were together in that basement.
"Aaron wha-" he begins, but I shush him by clutching his beefy biceps and pulling him closer. Somehow even without light, I can see the glow in his beautiful eyes, and on his greased black hair.
For once, I am in control, catching Zak off guard. It feels scary, and I have to clutch him harder to stop my hands from shaking, but I know I have to do this.
"Zak," I begin when suddenly my walkie talkie startles me.
"Come in Aaron," it's Nick and I see Zak's facial expression drop. "We lost your camera. Just making sure everything is a-okay!"
I huff and reach into my pocket, silencing the walkie and tossing it out into the hallway.
"Zak," I focus my attention back on him, just how I know he likes it. "I can't be with Ghost Stalkers. My place is with you. Nick he's, he's so charismatic and I just. It's driving me insane. I miss your energy. I- I just need to be with you."

Zak's POV

My heart leaps when I hear him say the words. I can't exactly tell if he means he wants to be a part of Ghost Adventures, or if he needs to be with me. But I don't care, I'm just happy to feel his big hands on my arms, his minty breath all up on me.
I can't think of what to say, my lips part and I'm thankful it's dark so he can't see my glasses fog up.
Suddenly, his lips crash into mine and I can't help but melt under his touch. I feel blush rise to my cheeks and he reaches down to grab my ass through my tight black cargo pants. He has trouble reaching so I stand on my tip toes.
It's hot to see Aaron asserting his dominance for once, but it also sends me into a slight panic. My heart is racing.
I reach my hands up and press my palms against his chest, gently pushing him away.
"Aaron," I address him with a sly smile. "You're un-fired."
I can tell he's smiling too by the tone in his voice when he says, "actually, I un-quit."
He bends down and grabs our cameras off the floor and I take the chance to slap his bubble butt with my fingerless gloved hand.

A Haunted Love-ZaaronTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon